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S. Low

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Everything posted by S. Low

  1. Troll thread. Plain and simple.
  2. Will this be included in the big update that's presumably coming around March? By the end of 2020?
  3. Bump. Maybe some day? Maybe in March with the big update? Over a year for some keybinds is rough, fellas :) (in fairness it's only been since like August in my case).
  4. Just so it's clear for anyone coming by in a random search, Heatblur has it's own unique AIM-7 it uses for the F-14 but they require the missile code from ED. The Heatblur AIM-7 was on par with ED's AIM-7 in the first part of 2019, then ED made some kind of change and it affected the Heatblur AIM-7. Heatblur took several months to obtain the new code. While using the old code it negatively affected their missile, dropping performance down to a 10% success rate in very easy conditions. ED eventually provided the new code to Heatblur and Heatblur patched their AIM-7 to be back on par with ED's AIM-7 in fall of 2019. Now, if ED's AIM-7 is sluggish in general, that is a different and additional issue with ED's missile logic/code/math (whatever) and that will affect other missiles like Heatblur's AIM-7. I'm not disputing you, just trying to keep things clear. Hopefully. Maybe. Lol.
  5. I'll be frank in that I'm not sure why you'd want another helo if you don't enjoy the quintessential helo, that is the huey. Rotorwing is rotorwing. The Ka-50 has autopilots and systems to make it way more stable than the huey, but it is still a helicopter and not a fixed wing. I wouldn't want you to waste your money is all. Maybe helicopters aren't your thing? I dunno. I got the Ka-50 because I love helicopters.
  6. Oh. Well I dunno about the 54s. Heatblur is reworking them this year. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. *shrug* just that the op was asking about aim 7s.
  7. Harlikwin, the heatblur aim 7s were tested extensively and shown to have degraded in performance down to 10% success rate, and heatblur acknowledged this. Ed and heatblur communicated and this got patched. What are you talking about?
  8. I can't recall which thread, but heatblur was originally opposed to this and then came around and said they'd consider the option since so many requested it. Is there a status update on getting a fingerlift/detent keybind for afterburner like the hornet?
  9. Not being able to fire the m4 isn't a deal breaker but it's definitely a missing part of the simulation. It's part of the kiowas character, even if it wouldn't be very effective in dcs. I'd love to have it and chase down cars with it.
  10. Oh I'd love a cyclic and collective. Tell them to hop to it and take my money! Just please be under $500....
  11. According to polychop they think the m4s were rarely used and that's why poly didnt model shooting them. I'm skeptical. Either way I want to shoot m4 out of my cockpit though
  12. That's possible. And I'm not entering Vrs, as I do pull collective earlier. But the aircraft always seems like it's a second away from just falling like a brick. The real one I'm sure is better than this
  13. Thanks for the info. My point was that the video did show a nice normal landing. But when I do a similar landing in game I'm either hitting Vrs or I'm a split second away from hitting it. So, subjectively, dcs seems to overdo the vrs aspect of its simulation. But I'm not good enough to test and provide proof.
  14. Thanks for bumping this. I just watched a video with a pilot who stated he had to do simulated hydraulic failure training in his huey, and it's quite difficult to fly because it takes both the pilot and co pilot wrestling the cyclic to get it to move enough for a turn. So imo a simple solution would be to drop pitch and roll saturation 70% to simulate hydraulic failure. But there's probably better ways. The current sim hydraulic failure is wrong.
  15. What is this comment? We're supposed to not want promised features a year after release? You don't get anything as a customer by being the best friend of the company. You have to demand things. The f14 sparrow was broken for months, as it had old code and thus was resulting in around 10% success rate. HB had made a comment in the months prior to fixing it that they were "waiting on a response from Ed." Even after posting proof that the missile was clearly messed up, many here simply blamed it on pilot error and did nothing to resolve it. It took multiple bug posts and probably multiple people contacting ED om HB's behalf to get the code updated. I believe that missile would still be broken today if we hadn't pushed for it to be fixed. Heatblur has been given the most customer loyalty and patience out of all the developers with this sim. Their module is awesome. But it's time for some reasonable pressure.
  16. I can't speak for everyone, just me. I haven't expected things to be done "tomorrow," never have. But I'd like the carrier landing experience improved. And it wasn't my personal expectation that the Forrestal (and maybe the A?) would release in 2019, but Heatblur's stated goal/promise/intention.
  17. That was a great interview. Thanks.
  18. "I would love to see more realism in that area..." That's what the OP is saying though, so you agree with him? It's been a year and people want some improvements. I'd say the F14 owners have been pretty patient. Have you seen the 16 and 18 comments?
  19. White knighting this module simply because it had a good launch state isn't helpful. CoBlue is right to criticize Heatblur regarding the trap. Heck the whole reason I just came back to this forum was to try and find some kind of an update regarding the Forrestal and the A model. I'm looking around with my arms up... where's my A model? Plus after flying the 18 a ton, I have a lot less desire to fly the 14 because the trap is weak and I want to fly the A.
  20. Starting at 31:49. Watch the airspeed indicator as the aircraft goes under 15 knots and to 0 with a negative vertical speed without hitting VRS and blowing up. I'm not sure in DCS if the excessive VRS is related to the Huey being underpowered or if VRS is a separate issue that needs work, but it needs work at some point (hopefully). Edit: Re-checking my landing procedures, this doesn't seem too far off from the game. I'm not certain. The video doesn't seem like the huey is about to drop and blow up, but under the same power and landing angle my Huey is a split second away from dropping out of the sky.
  21. Since the last official word on the huey rework was so long ago, perhaps bignewy could do us a solid and provide an update :D
  22. Interesting points there that I hadn't considered. My test was on Persian Gulf map, and the video was in Connecticut at what looks to me to be roughly 25-30 degrees. That would make some difference, and so would the weight differences. I can't account for the weight so I can't really argue any further that the huey is underpowered. As an aside, are the engine and rotor still be worked on? I read a post from earlier this year saying there was a rework coming.
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