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Not sure if anyone else has noticed this.


GAW- Hoggit at war server.


In multiplayer, I get RWR locked spikes from enemy (AI in this instance) planes that are in excess of 100nm, but off in the distance is another friendly, engaging what I think is that enemy judging by the info given by the human GCI.


Several players will also report being locked by a Mig-31 at the same time


Is it a case perhaps of the "locked" info/signal being somehow sent erroneously to all the players?

  • Like 1

That is more of an AI behavior and how they use the radar, I'd guess.


If somebody is tracking someone with their radar with a hard lock, if you are near the beam of that radar you will also get a tracking warning and that is normal.


Per example if you are right behind or right in front of a target which is being tracked.


It makes sense as your RWR is seeing radar waves (which have tracking behavior) which are passing trough your aircraft and sensor.



Everybody gotta be offended and take it personally now-a-days

  • 3 weeks later...

This has been a thing for over a year at least.


As an example - during multiplayer a friendly attacker will get locked up by a ZSU-23 and yet despite me being 15km away I also get a simultaneous lock warning.

  • Thanks 1
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

This is a very old bug (more than a year?) and makes the RWR almost useless.



I don't know why this bug is still in the game.



Using the radar warning in multiplayer is almost worthless.

  • Like 1
  • 8 months later...

Bumping this thread to make sure it stays current on the bug report forum.


Still a major issue, especially when coupled with the Level-of-Detail range for missile trails.


If yall need any hard data on this, please give the word.

  • Like 1
  • 4 months later...

Why isn't this bug getting more attention? It's the n°1 annoyance right now in MP, as it messes up SA and tactics, and it's been reported for -years-!

It should be somewhere near the top of the list, and I never see it adressed.


Can we at least get a report that it's closed to being fixed in a coming update?

Or is the MP community that small that we just get to live with it?


  • ED Team
Why isn't this bug getting more attention? It's the n°1 annoyance right now in MP, as it messes up SA and tactics, and it's been reported for -years-!

It should be somewhere near the top of the list, and I never see it adressed.


Can we at least get a report that it's closed to being fixed in a coming update?

Or is the MP community that small that we just get to live with it?




I can only tell you it is reported, however it is lower on the list than some other issues.


I will ask for an update, but can not promise you anything.


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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal


It's been in the game for more than 2 years actually. N1 annoyance is hardly the case, you can easily work around it and still keep a good picture, even only based on RWR.


Good competitors for N1 annoyance are screen freezing for seconds in critical moments or everyone warping 10-20 miles back and forth after 2 hours of flying on a server rendering any kind of combat flying worthless.





I can only tell you it is reported, however it is lower on the list than some other issues.




I will ask for an update, but can not promise you anything.

Thanks, an update would be very appreciated. I didn't mean to come through as narky, it's just my not-so-subtle way of bumping the thread.


Every MP flight, the RWR singing in your ears for every lock and every launch is very frustrating.


  • 2 weeks later...

Of course it's a top priority mate.

Not the 1st but after 2 years it should be fixed.


It breaks the Situation Awareness when you play with a patrol in a Comao. It makes RWR unreadable and kills any tactics vs AI planes or SAM.


And I beg ED to fix this core functions ASAP. Please !


Having this issue as well - it does seem limited to AI radars thankfully, but still major issue.


To the people saying "if you are behind a plane, that is being locked by an enemy, in more or less a straight line" - agreed it makes total sense ur RWR would go off, much like if u stand behind someone at night, and that person is having a torch shone at them - some of that torch light would get to you.


But if you are as said, 100+ miles away, and way beyond +/- 10 degrees, it shouldn't be ringing, especialy while you are still on the ground.


Please do bump this up the priority tasks, above new releases

. . . . . . .

Every module/ map except the dual winged joke.




Since the last update I have also encountered similar problems but with SAMs. We were more than 200nm from a SA10 and it was blocking more than 8 aircraft, at least 5 totally out of range.


Something I have also discovered is that with Combined Arms, in multiplayer like game master or tactical commander, changing the alert state of sam is not working. No matter how green you are, the radar continues to work. I have tried since the ME to test the mission and outside the multiplayer it works well to change the state of the sam.


I hope they solve it soon. The multiplayer is getting worse and worse.

  • 7 months later...

No fix in the latest beta. So another year has passed, and we're still dealing with incoherent RWR alerts, just because ONE of the client is getting lit up somewhere.

Can we please get an update on this issue? This is beyond frustrating 😞



  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

This NEEDS to be resolved.


i propose ED tries to play on the Hoggit server or any other highly populated server. Sometimes youll be getting 60+ second continous lock warnings already while starting up on ground from planes 100 nm away. And no, its not because the radar beam randomly crosses you.



Edited by dorianR666

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600X



Yep total agree with all mates dudes here. This needs to be fixed ASAP! 

I honestly can't understand how ED came up with the idea of classifying this bug as "low prio" when DCS is a combat simulation and good situational awareness is everything.

History seems to repeat itself again and again ED does not pay special attention to the concerns of the community.

I think this will escalate again between ED and the community within the next few months ... After that, however, the updates often went quite well, at least for a short time.

The updates over the past 6 months have also been more frustrating than anything else.

  • Like 1

I asked several times on Discord. Its "low priority" (decades), not even "soon" (years). I gave up on ED. They measure customer satisfaction in USD total profit.

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...


Please give us an update on this issue from 12/16/2018; there's some pretty frustrated folks out there who would like to know what the status is.


"Yeah, I reported something similar awhile ago, it didn’t seem to gain any traction."

"This has been a thing for over a year at least."

"Thanks, an update would be very appreciated. I didn't mean to come through as narky, it's just my not-so-subtle way of bumping the thread."

"No fix in the latest beta. So another year has passed, and we're still dealing with incoherent RWR alerts, just because ONE of the client is getting lit up somewhere. Can we please get an update on this issue? This is beyond frustrating"

"Yes please. It's been a thing for years. My rwr shouldn't be screaming at me from a mig 200 miles away, WHILE I'M INSIDE OF A HANGER!"

"I asked several times on Discord."

  • 5 weeks later...
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