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Everything posted by Zaz0

  1. Being a hardcore simmer, since they can't do an F-22 module due to real restrictions, I'd like it in a "lighter" version...
  2. At my squad we're disccusing about it, there're some videos launching up to 10 AIM-120 against same number of bandits.... here for example: My opinion is that these launchs aren't supporting the missiles once you deselect the L&S, and the AIM-120 doesn't get updates about the objetive at mid-flight, but flying inercially, in this case almost all are reaching theirs objetives cause they're flying strait and a concrete speed. But, if these bandits change their bearing, speed, angels.... the missile will go active where it calculated by the last update and it couldn't reach the objetive. Then, I understand it's needed to use L&S and DT2 with 2 bandits maximun to acively guide them mid-flight. Doesn't it? I'm wrong? I know DCS need some overhaul on TWS and AMRAAM behaviour, but how it should be? Thanks!
  3. Didnt test for long time, but "prepare mission" at the ME tools should work
  4. Awesome, thanks for the work and sharing It!!
  5. I love it, big thanks!
  6. Check Module Manager > Installed , search for A-4 and verify is ON
  7. +1
  8. Well done!! We need zombies too!
  9. In triggers search "Mark for coalition" or similar
  10. Same here :/
  11. you could add .ogg sound files thought triggers
  12. Then... which version do you'd like we flight? I meant, since "stable" version is exaclty an "old beta" version with another name. ...all yours words will recover sense if ED will push sometimes a mayor-bug-free-version DIFERENT that an older one... meanwhile all version are (or was) beta.
  13. At last OB update I got 20fps at start and 8 fps minimun at Hornet 8vs8 Instant Action. Yesterday update give me 20fps at start and 12 fps minimun, same mission & settings. There's an improvement? yes It's enought? negative. Keep working on it ED, I'm crying for the stables 40fps on 2.5.5
  14. Sorry, my fault, I desanitized "os" & "io" :doh: Thanks! great mission!
  15. same behaviour here; Missionscripting is desanitized previously & no file created at main folder :/
  16. "hey! what are you doing?"
  17. Zaz0

    JSOW is OP

    It should be Mission Editor's choice use stuff or not.
  18. Thanks ED team for the effor. We all hope you can bring us 2.5.5 soon
  19. For information: I fly the Tomcat on SP and I haven't CTDs
  20. True, but some of us would prefer to load a "JTAC" aboard and carry it wherever we move
  21. AFAIK there isn't "damage / destroyed" status for the runways, but you could use another solution like the trigger "bomb in zone", adjusting some zones which covers the runway itself.
  22. I dont remember where i read it. I'm trying to locate it. I could be wrong, of course... Edit: @EPSNtheGATOR at SP mode, RWR is the sensor I think.
  23. IIRC HARMs are mounted with special pilons at Hornets, which are used as sensor comparable to the Viper's HTS. In this case, I think you'll have better FOV, distance, ect than only using HARM's sensor itself when you're on TOO mode.
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