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Maybe i'm sad


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I was flying one of grebs highly atmospheric missions [vulcher] when i realised i had about 80 nms to the next waypoint, did I fast forward the sim to the next waypoint? not a bit of it , I looked out of the window , watch it get dark, and monitered the instruments, done a few f2 and f3 views, and watched the world go by, I go right back to flying interceptor, and Falcon on the Amiga, and I can honestly say, have never flown a sim that comes close to the feeling of being fully immersed in an interactive scenario, or, am I just getting old....a big thankyou to the developers, and indeed everyone that contributes on this forum.

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I just wish the series would go that extra mile on everything. It's like a great gemstone that just hasn't been cut and polished enough yet. Things like the crappy ATC are real immersion-killers, the awful infantry implementation, the not-so-great effects... still, what is there is awesome :D


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One of my mates came over while I was on a mission. He was pretty intrigued when he saw my Thrustmaster Warthog and pulled up a chair.


"Hawg 3-1, Magic, BRAA, pop-up group, 283 for 8 at 13 thousand, flanking."

"Wait, what did that mean?"

"Uhm... Bearing Range Altitude Attitude for a group of air targets"

"Gonna shoot them down?"

"Eh, no I'm on a mission"


Checked in with a JTAC and got served a nice 9-Line. He just sat there like a question marker.


I doubt we'll be seeing much of him :D


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I just wish the series would go that extra mile on everything. It's like a great gemstone that just hasn't been cut and polished enough yet. Things like the crappy ATC are real immersion-killers, the awful infantry implementation, the not-so-great effects... still, what is there is awesome :D


agreed. It needs more polish. I mean everything is great so far, but there are a few things that need to be better. One thing that stands out for me is pilot animation when viewing from F2. It looks like a student animation. BF3 does it a little better using motion capture to do animation.

Also when you eject and stand there, there is no movement. just a stiff 3d model. It needs some movement.


since f2 is is used a lot this detail should really be fixed.

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I just wish the series would go that extra mile on everything. It's like a great gemstone that just hasn't been cut and polished enough yet. Things like the crappy ATC are real immersion-killers, the awful infantry implementation, the not-so-great effects... still, what is there is awesome :D


Frostiken, this is what could have been..



Watch carefully... (if you're busy, just start at 3:05)

It's important for the convergence of perception and reality.



I say these things in humor and with patient, good will.. :smilewink:

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It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

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It may be a little rough around the edges, but the DCS series has so much potential it boggles the mind... I can't wait to see how it evolves.


Exactly - people complaining about lack of polish obviously never installed and played LOMAC :D

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'....And when I get to Heaven, to St Peter I will tell....

One more Soldier reporting Sir, I've served my time in Hell......'

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Also when you eject and stand there, there is no movement. just a stiff 3d model. It needs some movement.


In case ya don't know, its actually possible to walk around whit the pilot after ejection using your joystick.

So next time you feel it needs some movement, take it for a hike back to the nearest base. Or try to find a bar in the next town you come across.;)


The keeper of all mathematical knowledge and the oracle of flight modeling.:)
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In case ya don't know, its actually possible to walk around whit the pilot after ejection using your joystick.

So next time you feel it needs some movement, take it for a hike back to the nearest base. Or try to find a bar in the next town you come across.;)


Or find a jeep, as you can actually drive around in one of these :thumbup:

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In case ya don't know, its actually possible to walk around whit the pilot after ejection using your joystick.

So next time you feel it needs some movement, take it for a hike back to the nearest base. Or try to find a bar in the next town you come across.;)


yeah ive made him walk around before. animation just as bad :(


I'm not trying to be nit picky because im super happy with the game overall. Im a designer in the video game industry and have played video games since my atari 2600, so when i see some unpolished parts of the game, i just wanna offer my services and fix them!

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It's usually a long walk to the nearest base, or over the next mountain. lol. But I prefer to hitch a ride.


Obviously, it would be awesome if you could car-jack one of the civilian traffic trucks driving by. Grand Theft: UAZ.


Still hoping for the day when your control of a UAZ and your pilot on the ground becomes visible in multiplayer. Not only would that be cool in itself, but when/if it does happen... some new modding possibilities will open up :)

Edited by Speed

Intelligent discourse can only begin with the honest admission of your own fallibility.

Member of the Virtual Tactical Air Group: http://vtacticalairgroup.com/

Lua scripts and mods:

MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist): http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98616

Slmod version 7.0 for DCS: World: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=80979

Now includes remote server administration tools for kicking, banning, loading missions, etc.

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