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Everything posted by Valinor

  1. Absolutely, it's important, especially since the map comes without any mission and campaign
  2. The one in the sim has a blur to it which is quite nice to watch, is that the effect you were referring to?
  3. The issue i had was that i had set a big deadzone on the yaw axis, and that wasn't making me apply full force on the yaw to counter the rotation on takeoff. I reduced the deadzone and i was able to handle it properly, now it's pretty easy to stay in hover, much stable than say the Mi-24 for me.
  4. Hi! I found some but i don't remember the name, generally i just search for "mods" in the server search bar and something pops up. otherwise you can join the su30 discord, they have a channel there listing servers
  5. Oh i see, you are right! Thank you! Either way i got my preorder, it was time ^^
  6. In the last video description it says "Coming ***by*** March 31, 2022 (Q1 2022)" Am i understanding english right in saying it means it will be released on march 31?
  7. I don't know if i am the only one experiencing this but.. since i installed the latest version my mouse doesn't work anymore. I cannot use it to pan the view both on the outside and the inside. Joystick panning still works instead. I am quite confused since with the other planes everything's working as usual
  8. Hopefully soon. We are at one point in time in which volumetric clouds are being implemented pretty much everywhere. The most recent civilian flight sim has it, the most popular ww2 sim has them, one of the most famous free to play games with tanks, planes, helicopters and ships announced it few days ago as well. It's a game changing feature even just for the eyecandy side of things
  9. Yeah it's not photoshop and it's perfectly in range with what is possibile with noise generated clouds (like in that other civilian simulator :P )
  10. I was looking forward the most to the Huey Multicrew and in particular volumetric clouds. I think the latter is the one feature that can give an additional immersion to the flight itself :) But ii guess it will come when it's ready ^^
  11. Valinor

    F-15E UFC poll

    Would that additional screen affect performance in any way?
  12. I do, but i also remember that it was murdering fps in the menu at least initially.
  13. Same happening here, we'll see how it develops!
  14. Can you confirm that i could buy the F-14 on Steam and transfer it to my DCS account? Thank you!
  15. That's actually a good idea, yes.
  16. Sales happens on ED store as well. So i don't see the point here. I think you are a bit confused. How is ED going to force you to buy MAC? It's a product for new players just like FC3 is, or for those who want to jump in right in the action without spending 10-15 minutes turning a plane on. Did FC3 force you to buy all addons again? No it did not.
  17. I think most gamers already have setups which can run DCS decently.
  18. Do you think we'll get some news about the plans for 2019, like we did last year (if i remember correctly?).
  19. I would imagine it will run on the same engine. A new engine is not something that is created in a short amount of time. And creating one while excluding DCS would be silly. As silly as developing a worse performing one just for MAC.
  20. Hello. Is this still actual? As in, are you still working on a team and starting with a smaller project?
  21. Nice update! Can't wait for it
  22. Cool news, good luck with the Cessna. I think it's a good idea and it will be also a "proof" of what you can achieve in regard of the community and ED too (if in the future you plan to do something commercial)
  23. I hope you succeed, the community always needs new platforms :) I kind of agree however on the need to start small, even with a civilian plane which have much simpler avionics. I would love a C-130 by the way, but the combat gunship version doesn't appeal me as much
  24. I think it's reasonable to assume that sometimes people can miss things, even after following tutorials and reading the manuals. This is not a job after all, and the time we put into this might be limited as well :music_whistling:
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