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Flight Simulators





Found 19 results

  1. I created this topic cuz other one is marked as "solved" which isnt really solved obviously cuz we still dont have access to default texture files etc.null
  2. CGTC is an alternative package to improve the looks of the Caucasus map of DCS World, with extensively overhauled ground textures. It modifies everything texture related to the Caucasus terrain. From ground, mountain, rocks, to fields, trees, towns, airport terrain textures (and matching hangars), etc. It also modifies the gamma, palette and overall colors of the Caucasus, through readjusted ingame files (there are no Reshades here). It just doesn't modify the water or buildings/houses, as I see no need. It covers both the "High" and "Low" textures, so that it can be used also by those with older/slower GPUs, as well as those struggling with VR requirements. Latest 2.84.1 version of CGTC (release 21/May/2023) represents the biggest update to the mod since the initial release, with many improvements, additions and bug fixes. I don't find bugs with this mod but, if you find any, feel free to report them in this thread. DCS is constantly updated and it may break something in this mod at some point. At this point, the "CGTC project" is to be considered concluded. But then who knows about tomorrow... ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - This mod was tested and made compatible with DCS 2.84 (but should be compatible with later versions) and does work with older versions as well (from 2.5 and up). - No performance impact as all of the texture replacements have similar format and size as stock defaults, and both "High" and "Low" terrain texture packages are included. - With no other mod dependencies, just install over vanilla (default) Caucasus map of DCS and off you go. - As usual with this type of mod, for Multiplayer it's only usable on servers with “Pure textures” disabled (in the integrity check). ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CGTC (v2.84.1) download: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3321589/ I've included a "READ ME" in .PDF format (also available HERE) with all the necessary info: mod description, installation notes with suggested settings, credits/thanks, etc. Please take a moment to read it before using the mod or posting, as it should clear the most common doubts. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Also, as optional, you have two different options for the Caucasus' Shading Options, which slightly alter overall tones: - Modified based (CGTC uses this one by default) - Original based If you ever wish to change this, go to the main DCS folder and then into "...\Mods\terrains\Caucasus\shadingOptions\CGTC - shading options selection". Use the respective file as of your preference. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And now for the mandatory screenshots... Enjoy it!
  3. Hello, first of all, of course, thank you for the map, I'm glad that we finally have Afghanistan, at least in part. However, I would like to draw your attention to the rather poor "quality" of the ground textures, compared to other desert maps: PG, Syria, Sinai or even Nevada. The map is very uneven in terms of texture quality. Of course, I'm talking about the current area, which is EA, but as I understand it, this part should be 100% completed? Compared to Syria, for example, we unfortunately have a much worse map in terms of background textures. Few examples: sometimes the map looks very good and everything is great here unfortunately, sometimes we have transitions between the areas made probably by hand and the phototextures (?), in the form of sharp edges, unfortunately it looks terrible, sometimes it takes strange shapes that do not match the rest, it looks like... old "textures ideas" from texture autogen from Flight Simulator 2004 even with an error caused during installation and finally, there are areas that are quite blurry, probably a phototextures but somehow I have the impression that it looks worse than on other desert maps (resolution problem?) and worse than on Kola and SA maps. Not my screen, maybe not even the worst, but you can see it on the sticker: Will the current map area be improved in this respect? Syria is perfect in this respect, here it is somehow strange, flying low. Maybe it will be ok for jets at 13.000 ft +, but for low altitude flights it is, let's be honest, very average by 2024 standards.
  4. Hello all, I am sorry to be bringing up the same topic again as from months ago, however I feel it is still worth mentioning again and something that might help out a lot of people who are having issues since the latest few releases. As pointed out in a post in March 2023 by @Taz1004 a lot of the normal map, roughmet, and FLIR texture sizes in the game are absolutely huge. These texture files do not need to be this huge (22+MB and some reaching 64+MB) and are furthermore stored as uncompressed 32bit textures when they can easily be compressed without giving up any visual quality. The FLIR textures don't have to be 4K since all we ever see them through is our MFD's or similar sensors which do not have this resolution in the first place. The textures that are affected are mostly found in a lot of the newer modules but they are not exclusive to them. They are also not exclusive to player controlled modules or aircraft/helicopters. Ground units have the same issues. The issue also occurs with many off the addon modules not developed by ED themselves so perhaps a word from ED to the other developers to have a streamlined and standardized texture creation procedure could be considered? From what I can tell from some of the videos I have seen regarding the latest issues with stuttering many of us seem to be suffering from, it appears that DCS is trying to use as many cores as it can get to constantly load/unload textures between SSD->VRAM->RAM->page file leading to massive bottlenecks on the SSD side as the threads end up waiting on the SSD and thus each other. Perhaps one way to combat this issue would be to have the normal map, roughmet, and FLIR textures reduced in size which would, without sacrificing image quality; 1. Alleviate some of the bandwidth requirements between all these different components. 2. Reduce overall VRAM and RAM usage. 3. Reduce texture loading times. 4. Reduce the size of the sim itself (which stands at 861GB for me personally as I own nearly all modules and terrains). I totally understand the dev team is busy but if a modder can make these changes in a matter of a week or two it should be possible for the dev team to put someone on the task of hunting down these insane textures and make them a much more reasonable size. I implore you @BIGNEWY and @NineLine to please pass this message on to the responsible people and take another hard look at these texture files since this was first reported already over a year ago. As someone who has been using DCS since the days of LOMAC, please pass this on and take it seriously because I feel this could make the sim so much more enjoyable for many. Kind regards, Vincent van Veen
  5. Hi. I was really looking forward yo this terrain. I got DCS: Afghanistan from the e-shop. I feel I am missing somethig though... Looking at Kandahar air base which I understood as being feature complete, I see poor quality of textures which seem to be satellite imaginery from the altitude of 2000 feet, certain buildings within the airbase are there on the textures but not as 3D models and despite all my settings maxed out, the distance between ground clutter being visible or not is so short that it is visible only when taxing but completely gone just tens of feet above ... Do I need a separate install of DCS: Southwest Afghanistan Map somehow? This is the newest DCS map but it's quality seems to be below the free Marianas map and for sure below Syria map.
  6. The basis of this bug I am experiencing is that the auto check for client integrity is saying the textures in core mods are not pure. I even went so far as to completely reinstall DCS in hopes of fixing it. The point is I haven't modified any of these textures and I can't join servers because of the glitch. It is a different texture every single time. I don't know what else to do. Can we have this looked into please because I am loosing my mind trying to fix it on my end. If you want any more information or a better description please let me know. Edited with more information. The problem pops up every time I try using the F-16c (in particular the textures), unfortunately this is different from yesterday which was super carrier textures causing the problem.
  7. Hi guys, I've spent about a week now trying to scramble through all the forums to find someone who has posted something similar to this or is having the same issues but I just can't find anything or I'm looking in the wrong place. I recently bought the Oculus Quest 2 and I'm trying to use it for DCS. The inside cockpit for dials and switches is extremely clear and clean, I can read all the dials and all the text is visible. However the HUD quality is really poor, to a point where I can't see anything that is shown and my out of cockpit quality is unplayable. I can't see anything about 8ft away from me, there are really bad shimmers and trembles, the resolution is extremely poor, all text is unreadable and I can't see any aircraft or missiles whilst flying. Tree's basically turn into solid blocks and the text is extremely smeared and pixilated. I know that there is a quality drop of course when using vr but I definitely know it's still playable and the immersion is on a completely different scale. I've seen some people use shaders to help but a lot have been using them for inside cockpit quality improvement and I know some mods can actually interfere with the VR. I'm currently running a setup of: i5-10400F Nvidia RTX 3070 Ultra 32GB Ram 3200Mhz I'm really keen to get this to work as apart from the outside quality it is absolutely beautiful to fly in VR. If anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated. I've messed around with all sorts of in game settings that people have suggested but I've not found one that works. I would like to add I'm playing on DCS: Steam Edition and have to play through steam VR so I'm not sure if that will have any relevance. Thanks for taking the time to read.
  8. hello, good afternoon or evening, this time I will be brief and short in this forum, currently there is a bug in which the directions of the parts of the textures of the cabin of the mig-29 are badly placed, which are the kind of hud gyroscopes, a small notepad on the right side and on the radio frequency change knob of the mig-29 (all versions of this), then I will leave the captures that I take in model-viewer, but they happen both in e model-viewer and inside the simulator
  9. Hi, could we please have the option in the special menu to select factory new cockpit look? Some like the aircraft worn and some like it new and fresh, and readable. I know, I know, it is beautifully made, and much work went into it to make it look good. and job WELL DONE! However, having the option for a factory new look with all labels readable would go a long way for me. And yes, there are modded textures etc. I just want it to be a part of the module from you Heatblur. Regards Ducksen
  10. This is a collection of texture fixes for the cockpit. They range from minor changes to complete reworks. Fixes for the instrument lighting: More even lighting strength Removing strong banding in the lighting. There's still some, probably due to compression Removed the black paint on panels being illuminated Added "BANA" in "BANA/GRÄNS" to illuminate Added "LJUS RADAR" symbols to illuminate - radar brightness Added "BELYSNING" symbols to illuminate - cockpit illumination Added arrow illumination on FR22 panel Added illumination to "MIL" flag, on the distance indicator Fixed white lines in the radar display moving with the sweep Removed lens flare from lights, bloom is still there Added warning flag on CI to be illuminated Changed FLI needles and wings to be lit more realistically Added dots on panels to see what position the rotary switches are in Nice lighting effect on the altimeter STD "cover" Instruments: Remade FLI37 ball texture to be more true to life and to also show correct pitch angle Added 60° and 90° roll lines on FLI37 Remade the Distance indicator to show the distance more accurately. Range accuracy is now within +- 100m (1000m), average accuracy is +-40m (400m). Clearer and more accurate warning panels. Also dotted a few Å,Ä and Ö, and made some - where they were missing. Clearer AFK light Redder altitude warning light Brighter autopilot and altitude warning lamps Clearer radar range numbers Altimeter "0.5 lines" are larger than default Imperial altimeter and distance indicator (optional) Added text on weapon jettison and X-tank jettison covers X-tank jettison cover is duplicated onto the RENSA cover, but it’s not very visible. Unfortunately can not change this Added emissiveness to α15,5 button Removed mipmap for annunciator panels - better text visibility Pilot model: Subtle changes to the vest roughmet Added missing insignia on left arm. Complete with normal and roughmet Changed velcro textures on right arm Added roughmet to name tag on left arm Reduced the normal detail strength on the gloves Changed color on gloves Slight changes to scarf Sound: New Sidewinder tone VR: Viggen themed main menu This is a custom cockpit livery, after installing it you have to select it in the "Special" settings menu! Modloader ready - installed in main game directory v4.0 Download - passes script IC v4.0 English Download - passes script IC Imperial inst. v4.0 Download - passes script IC - only Swedish cockpit v4.0 - Clear IC Download - passes script and texture IC v4.0 - Clear IC English Download - passes script and texture IC Imperial inst. v4.0 - Clear IC Download - passes script and texture IC - only Swedish cockpit
  11. Are there any modders doing (or mods for maps and-or landscape) texture work?
  12. I hope someone can help with a weird intermittent problem I'm having in the A-10C II, both in SP and MP. Missions appear to be loading normally but then I find myself in a transparent cockpit. The aircraft's nose is transparent too: there's just a faint outline. But if I twist round to look behind me, the wings, fuselage and tail are rendered properly. Also if I switch to external view, everything looks normal. I've tried waiting for it to load up without success. Sometimes running a repair and deleting the fxo and metashaders 2 files helps, but usually it doesn't. When it does work, it works fine, and this never affects the original A-10C module. I'd be deeply grateful for a solution, as this is really becoming a pain. System specs: Windows 10, GTX1070, 32Gb RAM, SSD, VR Oculus Rift C2,
  13. Hi, I am having issues with a custom F1 skin, and the log shows "2022-08-08 10:41:08.846 ERROR DX11BACKEND: Failed to create shader resource view for coremods/aircraft/mirage-f1/liveries/mirage-f1ce/5js grey chicho/miragef1-common_4.dds. Reason: The parameter is incorrect." The weird hints are: I can load the skin in Modelviewer2 and I see it perfectly fine If I load the skin in the mission editor, or during a flight, the texture of the error message appears completely black (not the missing texture pattern) I have re-downloaded the skin, and other squadron mates are using it without issues I have done a slow DCS repair, taking out all the mods, deleted metashaders2 and fxo folders... still nothing Appears in 2D and also in VR (using G2 with OpenXR/Opencomposite) I have even reinstalled the GPU drivers No diference between having the Livery in Coremods or in Saved Games Modelviewer: Mission Editor: Honestly, I have no idea how to continue... Thanks!!
  14. Recently my water started looking like in the attached picture (VR). Anyone knows how to fix this/is this a bug?
  15. Is there a way to export new normal maps and other necessary maps, from MV2? I want to try to upgrade the F-16 cockpit from 4K to 8K as it's looking a bit dated in sharpness.
  16. I'm not sure if this is intended or not, as I can't see it in other people's screenshots or videos documenting the refreshed FC3 cockpits. On my install all the steam gauge instruments have a cloudy texture over the top of them. Is this intended or an issue on my end? I've verified my install, and obviously, I'm using the default cockpit. Thanks!
  17. misaligned is the best word I can come up with for this, maybe better would be wrong 'tile' use? Manifests as these weird sharp lines between two high res sections here is an example
  18. The model rendered in the side and top mirrors of the Su-25 is missing huge patches of textures, and you can see into the plane. This is both in the side and top mirrors. Additionally, the position of the side mirrors is very bad - you only see the engine basically, and if you lean just a little, you will see the missing textures. On the Su-25 T, the mirrors are aligned much better and are useful, but if you lean enough, you also see missing textures, although it's not nearly as bad as the Su-25.
  19. Hi everyone, Minor issue - the B-1B is missing a window for the OSO/DSO station (should be present on both sides): This is something that can probably be fixed with some minor changes to the textures. EDIT: The model shown in promotional material seems to be higher quality than what we have in game. This also seems to go for the new S-3B as well. The screenshot below (from late December 2022) has the window present (as well as much more detail on the countermeasure dispensers) and a more smoother, less angular look overall (particularly the AN/ALE-50 dispensers on the tail): EDIT 2: The window is also present in in-game footage too, which also appears to depict a more detailed, higher-resolution model (countermeasure dispensers present - they aren't in game, AN/ALE-50 sponsons(?) less angular):
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