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Everything posted by VZ_342

  1. Something inspired by “Flight of the Intruder”, but with a pair of SU-25/25T’s. Navigate over water, low level NOE flight, followed by heavy SAM defenses against a small set of “valuable” targets...then RTB. Given the -25’s nickname is “rook”, and skillful use of two Rooks are easy to make checkmate against a target, should be fun to develop and fly.
  2. Which method is shown on the HUD just before the trigger is pressed?
  3. +1 to invulnerable, also consider setting ammo to “unlimited.”
  4. Stay easy for now...use the SU-25T, Caucausus map, and solve one problem at a time. To fire a weapon: press 7 (ground attack mode), press c (cannon), and then press the space bar (or your mapped choice, like trigger on the joystick) Your gun should go BRRRRT! If it doesn't, solve it first before buying anything, or looking at other challenges.
  5. “Short list” of brevity codes...at a former job of mine, we had a “10-code” list of about 100+/- terms. In reality, we used about 6 or 7 of them. Put another way...of the several lists out there, what are the 10 “most important” words you old pros would strongly suggest new players become familiar with?
  6. RF-101 Voodoo...”zoom and zoom” tactics, take cool pics of SAM sites...get chased by Mig 15’s and 19’s!
  7. Bummer. So now we can’t recreate battles from Vietnam using US-marked F4E?
  8. Hmm...mod for the Harrier, adlust .lua for 24,000 mph max and ceiling “lunar orbit”...
  9. Auxiliary Power Units (APU). Once the engines are shut down, the Auxiliary Power Units disconnect from the electrical busses and that's when the APU winds (whines) down. Source
  10. $1 to get on the waiting list, $350 for their kit, You have to provide a few things, including a wood router, two bricks, and some other stuff...generally it’s around $150 if you have to get everything, $500 for a router with a 4’ x 8’ table (hangs vertically, btw) and 1/64” accuracy is quite a deal, imho.
  11. I read somewhere that operating* a helicopter is like riding a unicycle while juggling...collective, torque, cyclic, turn sideways = sounds like unicycle + juggling to me! Quite the skill to operate! *Heard in the USAF: “Helicopters don’t fly, they beat the air into submission.”
  12. It’s a steal at $23! Great little aircraft, very nimble and fun!
  13. After a few flights, you’ll learn to recognize the weapons from the cockpit. Yes, salvo and ripple both work. The only multiple-release pylon holds 2 or 4 100’s, and they are released all at once. The selection of dropping 1, 2, 4, or “all” refers to the contents on the pylons. So, in theory if you select “2”, the weapons control will drop two bombs (unless one of the pylons hold 2 100’s, then 3 bombs will actually drop. The lonely bomb on one pylon and both of the 100’s (which are released together), separated by the time interval selected.
  14. I’m all in favor of “more cowbell”, but making videos takes time, and if it delays the Release of The Cats of War by even a day... *takes off mirrored aviator glasses* :pilotfly:
  15. And the inevitable Cooling Fans. ba-da-TISH!
  16. "Too close, switching to guns" *flicks switch on joystick* Just curious, that's a favorite line from an obscure movie...is that accurate?
  17. Ok, I'll make a note to READ THE BRIEFING.
  18. Lefty here, I fly righty like the F-16 (stick on the right side, not in the center). Never had a problem. Yes it probably did feel awkward at first, but that didn't last very long. The good part is that I can keyboard with my left hand easier than right-handed people can, and without letting go of the stick!
  19. Thanks for the reply! I don't know any particular server (n00b and all that :book: ), I just check for unlocked, lowest ping, fewest users. So it's ok (in theory) to just taxi on out, bang burners and take off? What is Teamspeak and where is it?
  20. Even a few reps will keep rust from forming!
  21. Usually "creative" means doing something other than basic skills. In fighter speak, "basic skills" would be knowing the turning speeds, climb rates, etc. If you try to ignore these principles by being "creative", that is usually bad. But there are times when you do everything by the book, and the enemy is still on your six...that's when it's ok to go outside of basic skills snd get creative...yes you may end up in a stall or other problem, but if the enemy cannot follow your movements, that MAY be a good thing. He's saying to keep your mind open, to be ready to "think outside the box" when and if needed.
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