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Everything posted by Ziptie

  1. Are you using VR or are you using a flat screen? I use VR, so my suggestions/methods might not be the same for you if you aren't using VR: #1. First, bind zoom and VR spyzoom. Sometimes it can be tricky spot targets with your Mk I's (eyeballs). If you don't use VR, there is a zoom function for flat screeners but I do not know what it is labeled as in the controls menu(s). Start your ground scanning and just look for things that "don't fit" (very uniform shapes in open fields for example). This is obviously very dependent on what altitude you are operating at. If you are not going against a SAM threat, get lower (try 6,000 feet). You might even be able to spot tracer fire from enemy ground units shooting at you. If so, quickly jump to suggestion #2. #2. Eyes out the canopy allows you to get a bigger picture, compared to looking at the TGP soda straw display (narrow field of view comparable to looking through a soda straw). If you are using the A10C2 have your HMCS enabled, when spot a target - DMS right long to slave the TGP to the HMCS HDC. Make sure the crosshair in the HMCS looks like a Maltese cross, as when the HMCS is SOI you can use the HOTAS slew to move the HDC (box) off the HMCS LOS indicator. #3. While you are entering the AO - put the TGP over the suspected target area and switch to BHOT/WHOT if necessary to gain enough of a contrast of the ground picture. This can give you more time to VID a target. If you find one, I highly recommend TMS right short (with TGP SOI) with the crosshair over the target. This creates a mark point (you can create 25), which can make it easy to get your sensors/weapons back to this point if you encounter a gimbal roll scenario (or make a mistake and TGP comes off target). CDU switch to MARK position, now STEER +/- on the UFC (or CDU) will cycle between those created mark points just like it scrolls through your waypoints when that switch is in WYPT position. Ability to spot ground targets can also be affected by your graphic settings in DCS, visibility range primarily. If this is set low, you will be able to see a shorter distance, which can lead to situations like you are describing. If the ground targets are hiding in trees, orchards or in a town - they can be incredibly difficult to spot and are most successful when getting a talk on from a friendly that has tally on the target(s). --Tried to be basic here, explain a few of the acronyms and not get into any advanced maneuvers or tactics. If you'd like or need any expansion on anything I've said above, feel free to message me privately - or here in this thread. Always happy to help an aspiring Hog driver. Cheers, Ziptie
  2. Did you have spin recovery switch armed/enabled when you got this display on the DDI? Cheers, Ziptie
  3. Where are you seeing an airfield freq change to xx.xx when communicating with the Hornet? Never seen this personally.... Only experienced airfield freq's in the xxx.xxx format when sending/receiving with the Hornet in DCS. What mission are you flying when you see this happen? Cheers, Ziptie
  4. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3305702/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3300687/ Found those with just a quick search via the user download page of ED's website. Cheers, Ziptie
  5. The heading hold is very "touchy." You have to have the aircraft in a certain range of airspeed and/throttle input (more dependent on the latter). Use the HDG switch to set your desired heading (either click individually and verify via HSI) or press and hold until HDG shows on UFC - then type in desired heading via UFC scratchpad and then press enter. Then A/P and 'colonize' HDG. For the altitude hold - again, you need to have the aircraft in a "close to level horizon attitude." If you are too far outside level horizon, you will see A/P displayed on the LDDI after trying to 'colonize' BALT. Gentle forward or aft input of the stick can get the aircraft to an acceptable attitude to achieve BALT hold. Once you are in BALT, you can put left or right roll into the aircraft (to a certain degree) and have a stable altitude orbit. If the aircraft isn't trimmed properly, this can also cause issues with heading AP, BALT AP and ATT AP. I personally never use RALT, as when I am on the deck - AP is the last thing I want to use. If you are struggling with it, maybe record a short video showing what you are doing and someone can give you specific guidance on what you might be doing wrong. Put the Hornet into multiple different forms of AP today without any issues. Cheers, Ziptie
  6. Copy that, just did it and it's terrific - thank you very much ! Always puzzling why this can't be a "feature" to disable rather than editing .lua files. So many things like this with DCS - at least there is a fix for us in the interim (or forever). Cheers, Ziptie
  7. Seems to work just fine for me.... SA-10 CR and SA-10 launcher. Today I successfully employed upon SA-11 and SA-10 CR. So 4/4 in my SLAM career. Hornet HSI in Precise and Lat Long Sec (don't think that matters when using PP mode via stores page - but figured I'd relay that information. MP on Syria map in our XSAF server. Happy Holidays everybody. Cheers, Ziptie
  8. I've employed the SLAM twice, and only twice. Both times it was via PP mode, without the DL13 pod - both resulted in two positive shacks. Note, these were both stationary/fixed target locations. So negative, you do not need to use the DL13 when employing in PP mode - unless I got exceptionally lucky both times (but the missile hit direct on target). Cheers, Ziptie
  9. Well hello Sharkku, fancy seeing you here sir! Next time when in our server, you will have to share what file you are editing to get rid of the overlay - I'd love to get rid of that as well. Cheers, Ziptie
  10. Ziptie

    Third Arm

    These have been on my radar for quite some time now. After upgrading my GPU, these will most likely be my next purchase. Heard good things about them from many members on this forum, as well as pilots who use them in the real life training. Cheers, Ziptie I think that button is what I have my VR spy zoom bound to (red pinky button on throttle). Flexibility is good to go, just not my cup of tea but I can appreciate your position on the topic. Cheers, Ziptie
  11. Ziptie

    Third Arm

    Sure, no worries. Primary reason for still using a mouse is that I sit in a Recaro race seat, in a racing simulator, with HOTAS in fixed (solid mount position). This means that when I am starting the F-16C, for example, some of the furthest aft switches on the left console panel can be somewhat tricky to access. 1. With the scale of the cockpit while using VR, for me personally, accessing certain switches/rotary knobs/etc is exceptionally difficult (during start up procedures for example). Aside from that, when flying the A10C - I don't have any extra buttons to assign the left/right mouse buttons and/or the roller wheel binds to, as I use the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS. 2. Personally, I do not see a benefit to having the mouse axis' removed - as it limits how quickly I can adjust certain things inside the cockpit. 3. Further more, from memory, the last time I disabled the mouse - the "pointer crosshair" was constantly displayed in my headset (I could be remembering this incorrectly, or possibly has changed this behavior since - but it's been well in excess of 1.5 years since I've done that). 4. The whole point of having the trackpad mounted to my leg - is to make quick work of "using the mouse" and with my setup, I always "center" the mouse cursor, so that when I need to simply left/right click an object in the cockpit, the mouse cursor is directly in the middle of my LOS (even though it may have disappeared due to 'timing out'). Hope that answers your questions, as to why I use a mouse as a VR user. Keep in mind that I also use the original Oculus Rift CV1 - which I don't believe has the widest field of view for VR headsets, but I could also be wrong about that. Cheers, Ziptie
  12. The comms in the Red Flag campaign really weren't that great in my opinion either. Check this one for the Hornet (there is also one for the Viper) and I think for the A10C as well...... Worth a flight, considering it/they are free - @Sedlo does great work as well: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3300770/ Cheers, Ziptie
  13. Ah yes, this campaign. I do have this one - got 4 or 5 missions into and was exceptionally bored. Same flight plan on ingress and egress - got very boring very quickly. Yes, you use live weapons in this campaign (like the single mission red flag events). The only campaign I know of that uses the training missiles is Raven One (which is an exceptionally good campaign in my opinion). That being said, you have to press the spacebar after "scoring" a kill with the training weapon(s). Probably the only way it can be simulated (currently) in DCS - is to have a trigger action and then confirm it with spacebar - or to fire a live weapon at an aircraft to get the kill (how missions are deemed successful or not in the score calculator in mission editor). If you don't have the Raven One campaign, it's definitely worth getting and there are a few scenarios where you get to use training aim9 and guns (in sim mode for the guns). Cheers, Ziptie
  14. They try to replicate RL Red Flag missions, yes. Targets, coordination, etc etc etc. Cheers, Ziptie
  15. I thought it was a fun one. You are correct, they do not fire live missiles at each other IRL. Not to say that during some training missions, live munitions are not employed - but not at each other. Radio traffic is very immersive as well. I feel like the Red Flag mission I have for the Hornet and the Viper are only a single mission, not a campaign - so we might be talking about different ones here... Cheers, Ziptie
  16. Ziptie

    Third Arm

    No worries. I use this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BY9MGFT/ref=sspa_dk_detail_5?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08BY9MGFT&pd_rd_w=onIVx&pf_rd_p=7d37a48b-2b1a-4373-8c1a-bdcc5da66be9&pd_rd_wg=CBJwL&pf_rd_r=JJAPBDHSX3G2B5JFFYTW&pd_rd_r=b8eb41c5-75aa-4dc6-aa7b-11094973b396&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExUzE0MVVKUlFJMTRQJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwOTkzMjE3MVNYSDRHQjEyUEYxTyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzYwODc4MkRTR1ozRDBPM0o2ViZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2RldGFpbCZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= However, there are other cheaper options out there - this for example: https://www.amazon.com/Perixx-PERIPAD-501-Professional-Wired-Touchpad/dp/B001CX85I8/ref=pd_day0_1?pd_rd_w=xaeVJ&pf_rd_p=dd3b8aec-685a-456e-adb6-ba7e15960b39&pf_rd_r=JJAPBDHSX3G2B5JFFYTW&pd_rd_r=b8eb41c5-75aa-4dc6-aa7b-11094973b396&pd_rd_wg=CBJwL&pd_rd_i=B001CX85I8&psc=1 I think there is another one out there called Adesso (or something close to that) but it looked cheap compared to the Jelly. I wasn't a fan of the size of the trackpad at first, thought it was a bit cumbersome - but I think it was just "new to me" and wasn't used to it. Now, I'm not sure how I can even have gone as long as I did without it. I'm considering getting this one, as it's wireless: https://www.brydge.com/products/w-touch?gclid=Cj0KCQiA2uH-BRCCARIsAEeef3lt8WoctCnxhnBcJBcddr5qa_OAel-3zvVYloYTNksQFm-LG7U6KKoaAkDMEALw_wcB I used some 'hot glue' and affixed a velcro strap to the back of the touch pad. Then when I am not using if for flying - it still works for normal PC use (if desired). I will recommend that you make sure to measure how much velcro you will need to wrap around your leg - I made the mistake the first time and didn't have enough. It wasn't the most fun thing to get that glue off the back of the pad. Also wasn't the worst thing in the world. Hope that helps, or that I even answered your question to begin with. If not, let me know what else you want to know and happy to help. Cheers, Ziptie
  17. I've also experienced this exact same issue. Trying cycling the radar rotary switch, no change. Tried landing, shutting down and repairing, starting back up, still no change. Only fix was to leave the aircraft and get a different one. Then it was back to normal. An odd and "breaking" bug that renders the aircraft useless in A/A after the bug appears. Cheers, Ziptie
  18. Should be mic switch forward to activate comm for contacting tanker. Had the correct freq set on the radio? Do you have easy comms enabled or disabled? Does the MP server have an easy comm enabled/disabled that is interfering with what you're used to? Cheers, Ziptie
  19. Appreciate your service, sacrifice and commitment to our country. I also serve my country, I get it. Cheers, Ziptie
  20. Ziptie

    Third Arm

    I agree. I have a TMWH, 3 TM Cougar MFD's, along with Buddybox(?) UFC, trackpad strapped to my leg, and a McLaren GT3 Fanatec wheel directly in front of me. I have zero shortage of buttons for key binds and options. Was simply suggesting something for the person who might be struggling with using the mouse to accomplish things Cheers, Ziptie
  21. Yeah the $10 price was offered for an incredibly reasonable one month period. The increased to $20, which is still an exceptional deal. Glad you got it sorted, some found it was $70 until getting to the final stage of purchasing, showed the higher price all the way until then. Enjoy, it's well worth the upgrade ! Cheers, Ziptie
  22. To prevent this, you should ensure that the parking brake is set and wheel chocks are in place. As for the realignment procedure - I've never had to perform this in the 18 while flying in DCS, but I'd hope it would work with IFA as that is a pretty crucial aspect of the aircraft systems/functionality. In flight alignment works with the A10C, sorry I don't have another aircraft that I fly in which I can reference as the others have seen very limited flight time for me. Cheers, Ziptie
  23. If you have already designated a target via TGP and coordinates have been handed off to an guided weapon in TOO mode - if you decide not to employ on that target, you simply re-designate another desired target via TGP and the new coordinates will overwrite the existing coordinates for that station when handed off in TOO mode. Or if you WYPTDSG it will also overwrite existing coordinates for that station in TOO mode. Cheers, Ziptie
  24. Ziptie

    Third Arm

    I use a trackpad that is strapped to my left leg which makes using the needed mouse functions much easier than reaching for the mouse (VR user). As for operating the RDR ATTK display, with TDC priority assigned, you can change the range by 'bumping' the cursor out and then back inside the dugout (top for increase range and bottom for decrease range) and bar scan by moving the cursor over those items and then TDC depress with TDC over the desired setting. I believe this is also supposed to work for the azimuth and other adjustable options but haven't checked to see if those are implemented as of yet. As another stated, when WVR the ACM modes should achieve all needed functionality/lethality. Also, LHAQ is a tremendously useful mode when getting to that critical 40nm range. Cheers, Ziptie
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