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Flight Simulators





Found 17 results

  1. Noticed that the trim gauge does not have its glass cover during some retexturing for the gauge face glass. This pink appearance was a solid color fill on id_13_D_FILTR, which doesn't bring anything up on the trim gauge. Also noticeable by looking at the default/unedited gauges at a sharp angle. Comparison between the default RPM (U/min) gauge at an angle and the trim gauge at an angle:
  2. Windows 10 LTSC, US language. GameDias gaming keyboard, no problems with other sims. --------------- Setting up for Spitfire TRIALnow testing ... Rudder, and elevator trimming; i can't get it to work so far; tried the default settings, and some of my own, but it does not see to react as f.i in Cliffs of Dover where it's also needed. ADDED just tried it again, seems the modifier R-cntrl or R-Shift do not work; just tested inputting it again (for elevator and rudder). They react in the control settings sub window when pressed and get registered it seems.. Maybe my PC's Keyboard is not recognized for modifiers while the game is running in F4 Chase , but also not in cockpit F1 view ... PS default setting for notch trimming also does not work. Can it be that it has to do with a windows setting for keyboard layout? thnx for looking.
  3. Flight model Overtrimed state if trim button pressed. Resulting overtrim result depends on direction and size of actual cyclic correction when trim button pressed. I can repeatable bad results when takeoff with cyclic set to stable hover possition, and than press Trim button. Also when accelerated into straight flight with cyclic set to stable bank and pitch, if trim pressed, the pitch will quickly decrease (nose down) and if near to ground and not corrected, it will result into crash. If than corrected back by cyclic and pressed trim once again, it will result in 5-10° more pitch up then was in time of trim press. So I have to do two more repeats with trim pressed and correcting overtrim, after only minor cyclic correction is needed, Im able to stabilize my flight with just minor cyclic corrections as usualy. This wrong quick trim press behaviour BUG is present now also in Black Shark 2 (probably copied from it into BS3). Ka-50_2_quick_press_overtrim.trk Ka-50_3_quick_press_overtrim.trk
  4. Hi. I'm trying to get a finer Trim in the F-5. In default LUA there are the following lines: { pressed = iCommandPlaneTrimDown, up = iCommandPlaneTrimStop, name = _('Elevator Trimmer Switch - PUSH(DESCEND)'), category = {_('Stick'), _('Flight Control')}}, { pressed = iCommandPlaneTrimUp, up = iCommandPlaneTrimStop, name = _('Elevator Trimmer Switch - PULL(CLIMB)'), category = {_('Stick'), _('Flight Control')}}, no value are passed. I added them myself but, as I guessed, they are ignored. { down = iCommandPlaneTrimUp, up = iCommandPlaneTrimStop, value_down = 0.1, value_up = 0, name = _('Elevator Trimmer Up Fine J'), category = _('FinerTrim')}, { down = iCommandPlaneTrimDown, up = iCommandPlaneTrimStop, value_down = 0.1, value_up = 0, name = _('Elevator Trimmer Down Fine J'), category = _('FinerTrim')}, Is there a way to get a finer trim (without use of the joystick software)?
  5. The trim in the f5 when i fly in vr with the quest 2 moves in game and the indicator reacts to it but the flight model doesnt change. So the trim doesnt work but is mapped correctly. the control surfaces dont move and i dont think the stick moves but the trim hat and indicator do react to the trimming. Both the aileron and elevator trim dont work, i dont know about the rudder trim because i dont use it in this plane.
  6. Hi Everyone, According to the manual (pilot post-start checklist - step 18) checks the speed brake operation in conjunction with verifying the integrated trim function, resulting in a stabilator deflection upon opening and closing the speedbrake. I don't know when it happened but a fair few updates back this stopped working, though it was working correctly beforehand. This affects both the F-14A and B. DLC input however causes a stabilator deflection as it should. Track attached. F-14A_Speedbrake_Trim.trk
  7. Edit/add: I-16 now have radio! I made this whole post without looking down and noticing. First look, radio is not clickable. Search "Radio" in "CONTROL OPTIONS" yields only OFF and ON, so just a nonfunctional graphical add on so far? At least graphically it looks very nice with worn metallic surfaces. As everybody knows, I-16 used to nose dive and sideslip heavily when hands off stick and rudder. Well, now it flies pretty much level and coordinated. Fine, a lot more comfortable to handle. I'll assume it's a fix closer to reality and not because of complaints. In one of earliest threads someone states I-16 had ground adjustable trim tabs. It does makes sense that the plane, in real life, would be ground adjusted to fly straight and level (at some desirable speed). Assuming it's true, I-16 has ground adjustable trim tabs, it would be great, I think (and I've suggested this before), make it like the Bf 109, add these adjustments to the "SPECIAL" column. ~ Also, as headline states, something has changed with the cooling algorithm. Degraded the engine unexpectedly. Seems more attention is now required to watch temps and adjust both cooling levers. Seems adjusting levers yields a quicker result in changing temps. I used to fly all day at 91 MP 2200 rpm, today it overheated (and undercooled cyl heads), engine damaged, started to stutter. Don't quote this, didn't carefully observe and compare. Time will tell if I imagined it. Did note someone complain recently that the I-16 engine never breaks. I don't get that at all. First I tried it, 2019, learned quickly one cannot keep going 2300 rpm. Now it seems to require even more attention. ~ New tag: "ground adjustable trim tabs", tentative until / unless coming up with something better. In real life someone calls them "Ground adjustable tabs". mod: move to i-16 folder.
  8. P-51 have (had) the best trim. Hold a few seconds and speed much faster. Not working for for pitch trim with 2.7.
  9. Edit/TLDR: I believe the SCAS might somehow be working against the pilot inputs. But only when the controls are trimmed off-center. Could this be a bug? Details below. Apologies for the long post but the problem I am trying to describe is kinda subtle. I am not sure if this is a bug or intended behaviour, but I find it puzzling and would be grateful if someone could explain to me what happens and why. Track attached. I am using center trim mode for both stick and pedals. I do 3 short takeoffs and hover "attempts". Before every takeoff I center the trim and hold force-trim up until the green markers are centered in the control indicator. 1st takeoff I leave the trimmed position at the center and do nothing fancy. I just take off and hover. Watch the SCAS indicator for the rudder. It is basically centered around the white indicator which shows my current rudder position. Of course I am not the greatest pilot so the SCAS goes a bit to the left and right sometimes to stabilize the hover. But in general it stays centered around the white marker. This behaviour is pretty consistent with my expectations. (land, center controls, desaturate SCAS) 2nd takeoff Before takeoff I push the rudder to the right a bit, press and release force trim up. The trimmed rudder position is now a bit to the right side of the center (the red rudder trim indicator has moved to the right). I take off and try to hover again. The green SCAS indicator for the rudder now appears much less centered on my actual rudder position (white indicator). It is visibly shifted to the right (towards the side where the rudder is trimmed). It appears to be working against the position I am trying to hold with the pedals. I keep the hover up for a bit and then land again. The green SCAS indicator is now stuck at the far right side of its authority box (SCAS saturated?). Is that really correct/intended behaviour? At least it is not at all what I would expect. I would expect the SCAS to behave exactly like during first takeoff (mostly centered around the white marker, stabilizing my moves. Not with an obvious bias towards the right side). (land, center controls, desaturate SCAS) 3rd takeoff (bonus question) Before takeoff I pull the cyclic back about 50%, press and release force trim up. Recenter the stick, then pull it back again all the way (as far as it can go) and hold it there for a few seconds. Then I let go of the stick again and recenter trim. The SCAS indicator for the cyclic is now stuck at the bottom of its authority box. I move the stick around a bit just to check if the SCAS indicator can in fact still move (it does). Now I take off. The SCAS keeps applying full back pressure (as far as it is allowed). I have quite some trouble keeping the Apache stable. Again my question: is that intended&correct behaviour? If yes, could someone please explain to me why this happens and what I am doing wrong? This behaviour makes the helicopter really hard to control for me. And it seems that this only happens when I use the force trim. If I just hold the cyclic/rudder in place without ever using force trim-up, then I can fly for extended periods of time without any odd behaviour. Thanks! AH64-SAS.trk
  10. The Apache is the first module where the "Rudder trimmer" option is more then a checkbox in special options. I wondered if the Rudder in the real chopper is also trimmed to a new center position when using the Force Trim Release button?
  11. Hi, those of you with a VKB joystick, you can create a trimmer with trim set/reset using VKBDevCfg-C (VKB config software) Using one button to 'set' the position (no need to return to center, you can keep hitting 'set' and the other for reset. You can also combine rudder with it if you have the T-Rudders connected to the same blackbox as the joystick. Assign a button to Trimmer-Reset (and select the desired axis) and another button to Fix-Axis, FA-Type: FA0 (also selecting which axis to apply to) On the Profile page, select on the Physical Axis for X,Y, (and Z if you have rudders) , Trimmer: "Trim+" Mode: -1- (X,Y, for Z I had to select mode -2-) On the global tab, set FA0 Mode to "M2" and M2 Time to something other that "none" (if you use none it will lock the controls, haven't figured out why, can't find any documentation about M2 Time) General Tab Profile Tab Trimmer Reset Trimmer "set" --- (alternative) you could also use another axis for each X,Y to trim like a regular plane trim. select on the profile>axes tab "combine1" for X and Y, and point it to another axis on the #Axis field (it seems the other axis must be in absolute mode) --- (alternative) another approach would be to replicate a trimmer hat (like in the Hind) by binding Trimmer: Trim+- on 4 buttons and optionally another button for reset. --- should give you some ideas what else could be done with the VKB software. I did spend quiet some time with that tool since I was desperately seeking a way to trim the Apache. My setup is just 2 buttons mapped as Trim Set (function is called Fix Axis) and Trimmer-Reset (spring joystic, GMC), both acting on X,Y,Z. and it works almost like the trim in the Huey. I have the others as separate config file. I couldn't map a Tempo button to use short/long presses, they all seem to support only logical buttons, not physical but hey.. it's a start. Oh and btw, you don't bind to the force-trim up then, it might work with the Apache trimmer mode for sticks without spring, but I did not try that.
  12. Hello, I have been following the threads associated with the trim in the Apache so before you dismiss my post as not being a bug please read all of it. I have noticed an issue that only seems to be with the rudder pedals when trimming the Apache. I first noticed this when I would come in for a landing, I'd have to put in lots of pedal to compensate for torque and then I'd trim. Then I would watch as the aircraft would spin wildly to the side I trimmed to. At first I thought it was me and just needing to get used to trim. Then I watched Wags video and he suggested pulling up the controls indicator. So I did and noticed some crazy behavior. In forward flight, when I press the pedal where I need it, then press forward on the trim button and recenter, it would work fine and trims exactly where I put it. However, it may work fine for a few trims but eventually it starts this crazy behavior. Once I have it trimmed for forward flight and then start landing, I'll press left pedal to compensate for torque and instead of trimming where I put the pedal, the control indicator jumps all the way to the left and trims there, in some cases all the way to the edge of the control indicator box and not where I put it. I began testing this on the ground and It is especially noticeable when you trim half way to the left or right and then trim half way to the opposite side. I can replicate this on either side of center and it does the same thing. I am using Logitech Pro Rudder Pedals and I have an old pair of Thrustmaster ball crushers that does the exact same thing. I am using Central Position Trimmer Mode, and I have tried different USB plugs, I have double checked that I don't have other controllers bound to the rudder, and I have calibrated the pedals. Maybe this is part of the reason people are having such a hard time trimming. For me it's so frustrating that I am getting to the point I don't even want to fool with the Apache anymore.
  13. I was wondering if anyone has noticed after a while the SCAS (the green cross in the controls window) can end up out of whack after flying around for a while? I've noticed when manoeuvring reasonably hard that the green cross ends up fairly close to the edge of the SCAS box which I assume is close to the maximum amount of authority the SCAS has. I have found that the apache ends up having an excessive amount of crab in forward flight due to this, however I must mention that this tends to happen once the fuel is roughly under 1000lbs with no ordinance remaining (have jettisoned the stores). I understand to a degree there will be a small amount of crabbing when aerodynamically trimmed but as mentioned this is noticeably worse once the aircraft is lighter. I'm sure there are reasons for the above beyond my understanding however the bit that has me confused is after resetting the trim once landed (using the new trim reset keybind) the green SCAS cross remained offset in the SCAS box as with the rudder trim, this does recover slowly but does not completely re-centre, still showing a good amount of "offset". To reset this completely I had to go into the FLT utility page under the FMC controls, turn off the TRIM option and re-enable it to completely re-centre it. While this fixes the issue its a little strange that the function actually turns off the magnetic brakes on the cyclic and the pedals and as far as I'm aware is not linked to the SCAS. The actual FMC disconnect options in the utility page did nothing to actually reset it. Once reset I take off with the same weight as landing (not taking on fuel or rearming) and it flew with the normal acceptable amount of aero trim. Unfortunately I don't have a track file as it was in multiplayer so I can only document with words, not super helpful but I wanted to see if anyone else might be seeing this having now mentioned it and perhaps add below if seeing the same or similar thing.
  14. With all the discussions regarding trimming, why isn't an auto-trim option implemented which removes the necessity to trim? I guess it should be easy to implement. I'd appreciate it...
  15. Like the title says to have the ability to turn the rudder trim off in the special menu like the ka-50 and huey. Helps for people that don't have rudder pedals to easier control the rudder.
  16. When using the autopilot, e.g. attitude hold mode in the Flanker, shouldn't it give you a more or less trimmed aircraft when you deactivate the autopilot? In its current state, autopilot deactivation can cause radical attitude changes as the autopilot either doesn't use trim at all to maintain a certain flight regime, or it reverts to the trim settings before autopilot activation. My understanding from (western) real-world aircraft is that AP uses trim to maintain attitude and the a/c will therefore maintain a commanded attitude when you deactivate the AP.
  17. I saw a post come up in my google searches but it is private and does not let me view. Apologies if this has been asked already but: I haven't changed a single thing in DCS, this problem has simply appeared from one day to the next. Trying to fly my Mi8 today and the trim no longer exists! You hear it click, you can even see the button press on the virtual joystick, but the cyclic simply does not trim. The pedals do trim but the stick returns to centre In the 'CTRL+ENTER axis screen' I have tried changing to 'instant trim' in the specials menu but to no avail. Am I being a bit stupid here?
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