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Flight Simulators





  1. Project Lancaster for DCS We plan to bring the Avro Lancaster to DCS, Beginning with the Mk3 and hopefully covering other variants including the special variants responsible for the Dam-busters raids on the the dams in the Ruhr Valley. We dont want to state any time window for release as the mod is still far off and we want to get it right without having to skip steps to meet a set date Progress Checklist: Bomb Aimer's Station: 90% Pilot's Station: 80% Flight Engineer's Station: 95% Navigator's Station: 95% Radio Operator's Station: 70% Front Gunner's Station (Bomb aimer operated): 60% Mid Upper Gunner's Station: 30% Tail Gunner's Station: Not Started About the Mod: We plan on having a full multicrew aircraft capable of fitting a full 7 man crew. We are currently working to get the flight characteristics for the Lancaster nailed before moving onto systems and other parts. The new external model should be completed by the end of 2023 Discord: We are more active on discord and are about to answer your questions, You can find us at this link here: https://discord.gg/PD29TWXBKx How you can help We are looking for any help we can! With this being a community mod, we are looking for help from the community, weather this be directly helping out with the coding and modelling or just spreading the word, we need your help. If you do have something to assist us with the then the discord is the way to do it, We appreciated any reference images and all of the support we receive from the community and we are looking for people with experience in coding LUA or C based languages to help out with the coding of the mod! Feel free to contact me on discord at the tag Scooby#2794 Media Virtual Air Festivals vBBMF display for Remembrance day 2021 (21 mins) https://youtu.be/PJ7S8jaWXss Dambusters 80th anniversary: vBBMF VIAF 2022 Radio Operators Station PA474 Leader TW900 EM-F Feel free to ask questions below as I'm not really sure how to use the forums -Scooby and the Lancaster team. Edit: Updated progress percentages
  2. Hello Fellow Virtual Pilots, I've Been Looking For A WWII Server That Offers Plenty To Do For Every Play Style. Closest I've Come To Is Growling's WWII Mission, Storm Of War, And 4YA's Project Overlord. I Love Foothold And Pretense, But I Wanted To Fly Warbirds In That Kind Of Setting... Dynamic Base Capture. I've Wanted To Make My Own Mission With The Knowledge I've Gained Over The Past Half A Year Of Editing. I Still Have A Long Way To Go. I've Been Inspired By All Of The Listed Servers. Many People Have Helped Me Along The Way, Too Many To List. Thank You To Those That Have! The 101VFS Presents To You "101VFS Project Neptune WWII PvP / PvE." A Base Capture Mission That Provides PvP, PvE, Anti-Ship, Bomber Strikes, Fighter Patrols, And V1 Rocket Launches. There Are 16 Slots On The Server As Of Now. There’s Four Bases Set Up On Each Side Currently, Manston, Lympne, High Halden, And Detling For The Blue Side. For Red, Dunkirk, Saint-Omer, Merville, And Abbeville. Available Aircraft Include: Bf 109, Fw 190, P-47, P-51, And Spitfire. Spread The Word To Your Warbird Friends That There Is A New WWII Server Up And Coming! We'd Love To Have You. If You'd Like Updates Or Give Feedback, Check Out Our Discord! Thank You For The Feedback And The Continued Support! [101VFS] Discord: https://discord.gg/rcraQJSZ7T 101VFS Owner / Founder -WhiskeyCharlie
  3. Has the improved AI Dogfighting logic made its way to DCS WW2?
  4. Guys the F6F is coming! AMAZING! Probably coming in 2023, a comment under the "2023 and beyond" video that said something like "F6F in 2023, it's gonna be a fun year" received a heart by ED, so yea F6F in 2023 confirmed. I'll provide screenshots of the comment later. This is the main Thread for the F6F developement rumors, ideas, updates and news! Feel free to contribute as you wish. COOL PHOTOS OF THE HELLCAT ARE WELCOME! LET THE DISCUSSIONS BEGIN!
  5. until
    Saturday 12/10/2022 5:30CST Join the Wolfpack discord, Look for the WP 02 WARBRIDS channel Join warbirds voice 1 https://discord.gg/wolfpack1 https://discord.gg/2zjrMwKq?event=1051212308581458000
  6. If it’s not on the wishlist already, I’d like to throw in my request for a B-25 Mitchell. I don’t really care which version to be honest; but I would lean towards a C or later; something with some strafing potential. The Mitchell is probably my favorite bomber from WW2, and while I strive to own one in real life (ha!), flying one in VR inside DCS would be the next best thing!
  7. as we have the Marianas map its only fitting we get a ground pounder from that part of WW2, i say the TBF or M avenger its the heaviest single engine aircraft in WW2, equiped with an assortment of weapons it was used to sink ships and strafe, bomb or rocket any thing that moved, you could argue that 3-4 crew is to much but as the plane is only flown by one id argue that there is nothing wrong with the amount of crew also the top turret can be an AI gunner. i think the TBF/M would fit nicely among the F-4U as a ground attack plane from the pacific and Atlantic personally i think we should get an early model for the 12.7mm's but i think picking the model is up to what is available
  8. Buon giorno Piloti! Il progetto/community AlliedForces.eu ha il piacere comunicarVi che per martedì 16/11/21 è stata schedulata la seconda operazione congiunta ambienta nello scenario WW2, nominativo: Operazione Red Week Al fine di migliorare l'esperienza simulativa abbiamo fatto un ulteriore step in avanti(speriamo ): questa volta la missione richiederà i contenuti a pagamento Normandy e Asset Pack.. Lo scenario è di tipologia PvP e PvE( in assenza di voli Client l'IA interverrà per completare la task). Rinnovo i ringraziamenti per tutto l'appoggio manifestato e la fiducia mostrata verso il progetto/community Allied Forces da parte della community 51° Stormo European Air Force ! Ringraziamo sempre anche le ED che sembra stia volgendo sempre di più sguardo verso il fantastico mondo della WW2. Siete tutti invitati, i dettagli nei link sottostanti. CLICCA QUI PER BRIEFING E PRENOTAZIONI PRE FLIGHT ROOM - CLICCA QUI PER TOPIC FORUM Per qualsiasi necessità siamo a disposizione!
  9. Bill1949


    So if you can't really have: - Beauty without the Beast - Laurel Without Hardy - Angels without wings - Cinema without popcorn - Love without kisses .....how can we really have The Spit without the Hurricane.....? Anyone support this? C'mon folks, back me up here. Please ED - I REALLY want the Hurricane - to go with my Spit.
  10. The release of the Marianas was a huge scenery booster to DCS. Especially for those with a love for low-level sightseeing ─ pardon: 'recon missions' ─ in slow prop planes and rotaries. Maug Islands has soon become my favourite spot, criss-crossing its caldera almost every morning... After a while I began to daydream and having visions. I saw shipwrecks on the caldera's bottom, with great whites patroling. And sometimes I even believed to see a glimpse of Amelia Earhart's Electra 10. With no knowledge or experience with neither ME nor Blender and its EDM Exporter it was a LONG journey until I had a good number of (unanimated) objects 'DCS-ready'. BTW, as the year in the title suggests, they're all peacetime objects! (The video, though, does include carriers and planes by Hawkeye60.) I don't know how long the next step, dealing with object animations, will (or would) take. But after months of work I felt for a break. And then <hint, hint> I think of the project as an 'open project' anyway. So everyone is invited to enhance and expand it! My personal whish-/todo-list includes animated sails and flags for the sailships animated Birdman (the original 3D model is actually fully rigged and playing in Blender) animated great white (same here) group of animated whales for 'whale watching' Thanks to tobi, grajo, copprhead. Without their help and work this project wouldn't exist. This free addon is not quite ready to be released, its scope will be much subject to availability/affordability of necessary licences. But here's a teaser video. Please comment and help to keep the project thriving. EDIT: 2022-02-03: I just put one of the sailships in the user files. 30+ variants of hoisted and furled sails, transparent or battle torn, bring some color to any of your sceneries and missions. Not alone the Marianas, but also to Normandy, The Channel, Syria... Version history of «BRIG»: v1.0 Initial release v1.1 Added moderate wake, front and aft. What seems appropriate for a sailship with no screws and an average speed of around 10 knots. v1.2 Improved NORMALS and SPECS for sail canvas. Streamlined usage of all NORMALS and SPECS, now only very upclose (LOD0, 300m, some LOD1). Some changes to the Static Templates. A second sample 'mission' file giving a quick overview of all 32 variants in box formation is now included (like screenshot above). Extract and overwrite all existing files.
  11. (Feb 28, 2022) RG2021 With the DH.98 Mosquito FB MkVI being released last year, the plausibility of a twin-engined, multicrew aircraft is no longer a question, so, my proposal for the next twin-engined WW2 aircraft, if not simply the next WW2 aircraft, is the P-61 Black Widow. Reasons for this suggestion are plentiful, so, without further ado, here are my reasons why a P-61B Black Widow would make for a revolutionary and impressive module. 1.) Versatility. Some may think the P-61 is simply a night-fighter, and that couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, the Black Widow was fielded as a multirole aircraft, capable of attacking ground targets and air targets with equal means of authority. For ground attack, the P-61 could carry approximately 4,000lbs of bombs and up to 6x 5” HVAR rockets. And, of course, 4x 20mm Hispano cannons and 4x .50cal heavy machine guns. 2.) Radar. DCS is yet to include a radar-equipped WW2 aircraft. What better to start with than the very first aircraft designed from the ground up to include radar? Equipped with the SCR-720 radar with a range of approximately 5 miles, the P-61 is certainly capable of delivering its venomous bite with precision, despite complete darkness. 3.) P-61B Restoration! Since 1991, the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum has been restoring a P-61B to flightworthy condition. Once the restoration is complete, that would make it so 1 of 4 known P-61s to exist. This would be the perfect opportunity to bring such an iconic yet under-loved aircraft to DCS! Was the P-61 the best fighter of the war? No. Did it have an astonishing kill count? Nope. Is it the most important or influential aircraft of the war? Nah. But it makes up for this with its sheer innovative design and cool factor. I think a P-61 of any model, but especially a B or C, would make for a fantastic DCS module, and would bring a whole new experience to the greatest flight sim to ever have been developed. Imagine this: you set up an EWR in the Mission Editor, then you and your radar-operating buddy take to the skies in the middle of darkness. The EWR you set up finds and relays the position of an enemy aircraft. Once you get close enough, your buddy manages to pick up the aircraft on your radar. He guides you in to the target. The enemy aircraft has entered the Black Widow’s web, and there is no escape. You unleash her four Hispanos and .50cals, ripping apart your victim. Splash! Thank you for your time and I hope this is taken into account when choosing what WW2 aircraft to bring next, or at least what twin-engined aircraft to bring next. Though I do know Mr. Grey loves the F6F… -RG2021 (Rhys)
  12. Buon giorno piloti! Con un insolito poco preavviso siamo lieti di comunicare che per il 28/09/21 abbiamo programmato una nuova operazione congiunta, questo rappresenta un grande passo in quanto è la prima operazione congiunta ambientata nel fantastico mondo della WW2 organizzata da AlliedForce.eu.. Un sincero ringraziamento per tutto l'appoggio manifestato e la fiducia mostrata verso il progetto/community Allied Forces da parte della community 51° Stormo European Air Force ! Ringraziamo anche le ED che sembra stia volgendo sempre di più sguardo verso il fantastico mondo della WW2. Siete tutti invitati, i dettagli nei link sottostanti. CLICCA QUI PER BRIEFING E PRENOTAZIONI CLICCA QUI PER TOPIC FORUM
  13. I've always wanted to fly one of these beasts in a proper sim. I'm not big on IL-2 so I won't be purchasing Bodenplatte. Any chance we could get a Spitfire that rivals the Bf-109K we have in-game?
  14. Does anyone feel that the pilot damage model is a bit off? I have on numerous occasions pumped .303 and 20mm into the side of and into the cockpit of an aircraft to no effect. Even I myself have found a 109 on my six and have watched it's rounds go straight into my face through the cockpit and have it only 'wound' my pilot. Since flying in DCS, I have only once bled out at the controls of my craft. I have seen mentions of this on other posts talking about the DM of 109's and 190's but only in passing, saying that an aircraft had hits all over the cockpit but that they were still flying straight as an arrow. If anyone has tracks to attach to this thread please do. To give you an idea, GS posted a video showing him in an A-10 hit the sidepanelling of a P-47 that should have and would have killed the pilot.
  15. Hi everyone, Another small issue with the mesh of the Marianas map. The taxi-way/road leading to the WWII nuclear bomb pit, located to the north-west of North Field on Tinian has some geometry issues - there's a steep incline (I'd estimate ~30-35°), whereas IRL the area looks like it couldn't be more flat. Here's a Google Earth street-view of the area, looking to the south: And here's the same shot in DCS (-camera 176.207132 0.027198 91.657734 -cameradir -0.967976 -0.087994 -0.235114): Here's an overhead view in DCS, to really highlight the hill (-camera 176.250335 0.056178 91.713985 -cameradir -0.798708 -0.267452 -0.539013): And finally, here's a topographic map, sourced from here), Google Earth seems to agree with the topography (i.e the area should be almost completely flat), but deviates on the actual elevation. If I draw a straight line from the road, down in-between the 2 bomb-pits - bisecting the area, the line has a constant elevation of 29m, in Google Earth, the same line is 23m and in DCS, the same line starts off at 30m, then there's a hill at 31m, and then bomb loading pit area is 23m. It's as if the road referenced the topographic map above, but then bomb-pit was referencing Google Earth, and so there needed to be a steep hill in between the 2. In any case, flattening the area will resolve the issue.
  16. Op. Through the Hell (WW2) | Allied Forces Giovedì prossimo Operazione congiunta WWII , PvE si vola esclusivamente dalla parte Alleata... necessaria prenotazione sul sito Allied Forces | Open Missions and Beyond
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  17. That would be cool to have some really early planes in DCS. B.E.2, Sopwith Camel, Fokker Dr.1 , Albatros, Nieuport and much more. To climb to 10000ft and fight against each other only with MG's. I wonder if People would like to buy and Fly planes from WWI. I like all kind of planes and since People like the Warbirds I think WWI planes would be a cool addition to the DCS hanger. Is it even possible for the Devs to create WWI planes with a propper FM, since in deep data and specs are hard to find. And the chances to talk with real WWI pilots are very rare. What do you guys think about WWI planes in DCS?
  18. hello, I am looking to modify a mod because the flak guns are not able to shoot beyond 1700 ft.. The problem is that, no matter how modified, I still can't shoot any further... Someone to help me? here is the code: Merci d'avance pour votre aide
  19. Ciao Ragazzi, Sto in questi giorni iniziando a volare con il 190D ed il 109. Ho visto che è presente una specie di VOR/DME, ma non ho capito esattamente come configurarlo. Ho visto che nel ME è presente un'impostazione per l'AFN-2. Esattamente, che frequenza devo inserire? La frequenza della torre andrebbe bene, ma escludo sia quella. Una volta inserita e fatta partire la missione, tecnicamente basta mettere su ABST l'interruttore della radio, ma su che canale devo mettere lo switch? Devo ammettere che questi aerei sono davvero affascinanti... Grazie! Snakeice Piccolo OT: Qualcuno sa indicarmi un server multiplayer su Caucaso/Gulf/Syria che abbia i warbird? Grazie!
  20. Hi everyone, Found a small bug with the G7a T1 torpedo, fired from the S-130 Schnellboot; when fired past a certain distance, the G7a T1 enters a snake search pattern, where the torpedo turns left and right - this is inaccurate as the G7a T1 is the most basic G7 torpedo, with only gyroscopic guidance. What happens when these torpedoes are fired, is that they initially run straight for a few metres and then will turn to a predetermined course (called a gyroangle, which can be +/- 90° from the launch bearing) and will climb/dive as necessary to reach and maintain a pre-selected depth (1-12m); after that the torpedo runs straight, until it either explodes (with fairly unreliable impact and/or magnetic proximity fusing) or runs out of steam. In the track below, the torpedoes start the snake pattern at around ~6m20s into the track - corresponding to a distance of a little over 7.3km from launch. The only WW2 torpedoes that should perform a snake search pattern (EDIT: nope) are the G7es T4 Falke and G7es T5/T11 / Zaunkönig I / Zaunkönig II; these are electrically powered, passive acoustic homing torpedoes. The behaviour of these at launch is similar to the G7a T1, in that after a short distance they will climb/descend and turn to a predetermined course, then after 400m of travel, the torpedoes will activate, performing a snake search pattern until they hear something - they then essentially use 'bang bang' guidance to home in on the loudest thing they hear, using 2 hydrophones (one on each side). EDIT: they don't actually perform a snake search pattern - it's an effect of the 'bang bang' guidance, which causes the torpedo to oscillate left and right as it is guiding. There are a few other issues with the torpedo, which are detailed below but they are not the focus of this thread. Latest OB, specs down below, clean DCS build (only changes are default payloads, templates and countermeasure programs). G7a_T1_Torpedo_Snake.trk
  21. I've noticed that in multiplayer if I shoot down a barrage balloon, that same balloon is still on other peoples machines intact. If someone else shoots a balloon down it's still intact on my screen. It's as though the kill isn't synced between machines. Has anyone else noticed that?
  22. Hello everyone, I just finished the Horrido FW-190 campaign. It was an epic experience. The voice acting is really great, I'm glad they went with German + English subtitles for immersion. The missions are nicely varied with unexpected events. I also loved the radio broadcasts and music. Thanks! Some screenshots below:
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