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DCS WWII: Europe 1944

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Do you believe that ED would intentionally mislead you with regard to their products?


Either you are mistaken or ED has been misleading us very badly.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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jabber jabber


this kickstarter needs a kick


more candy for the non converted please . . .


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Do you know why that signature is out there?


Without going into historical details, things have happened that have been out of ED's control or ability to predict (Anything like additional projects coming in and people changing jobs or dying just to name a few things), necessitating a change of plans. Thus, everything is subject to change.


One big example is the announcement of DCS being modular. It was announced and didn't happen until a few years later, well after the Ka-50 and A-10C release.


Considering signatures like "EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE" I'm sure it would be easy to explain anyway, right?


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Do you know why that signature is out there?


Without going into historical details, things have happened that have been out of ED's control or ability to predict (Anything like additional projects coming in and people changing jobs or dying just to name a few things), necessitating a change of plans. Thus, everything is subject to change.


One big example is the announcement of DCS being modular. It was announced and didn't happen until a few years later, well after the Ka-50 and A-10C release.


When you are a businessman, WHATEVER happens, you never say to a customer ''EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE'' spatially when you have an unfinished product (beta) out there that most of as have already paid for.

Look at it the other way around. We, the customers, who already paid for a continues beta, When we paid, we did not paid with BETA MONEY. Our money was real.


And please dnt blame me for taking the conversation out of subject, you made the start.


With all respect,



TaliG - 373vFS


“Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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... You paid for EDGE?


Look at it the other way around. We, the customers, who already paid for a continues beta, When we paid, we did not paid with BETA MONEY. Our money was real.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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... You paid for EDGE?


I wrote about the ''EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE'' signature.

But we are well off topic so.... your call..


Please delete if I cause trouble.


With all respect



TaliG - 373vFS


“Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Hey folks,


Sorry for a little delay in responding.


Would it be possible to include some additional photos or maybe a small video of the Dora cockpit?


We're working on getting it right now.


We are coming to realize that a lot of people see this kickstarter as way too early, and it's a real shame. I hope everyone understands that it's a simple matter of timing. If we delayed the KS by say six months, we'd be able to have a much stronger presentation. However deciding on which features to add six months from now would, consequently, delay the release of any of those features by at least six months.


What about functional Norden for B-17? Is it planned?


Of course.


In other words: assuming only first-tier goal is met, the only things that aren't free are the P-51D & FW 190 ... both of which are ED's. So, where's the source of income for RRG, if ED isn't allowing RRG to have the money for the sales of / pledges for these two fighters?


We have a shared agreement. We're not completely out of the picture even if the Mustang and the Dora are the only aircraft being sold; but of course we really want to have other flyables.


I'm afraid I now have serious doubts about this project, not only because of the promise of so many free full-sim aircraft (which seems to me improbable to keep), but also because of the sudden & unexpected announcement that Mr. Maddox is heading quality control--if the aircraft specifications are anything like those in his previous projects, this is not for me. I really wanted this project to be true, but I just can't see it happening now as promised. : /


I wrote a rather long paragraph in response, but then decided it would probably be pointless. I don't know if I really have any words that can convince you that we really are doing what we say we're doing, or what Oleg is really extremely knowledgeable and a perfectionist.


DCS is a very different environment from what we used to do. We are not trying to redefine it, and I'm sure we can fit in very well and work within these new constraints, but I guess the only way we can really prove it to anyone is by doing it.


The product we're doing is free, so, like I said before, you have nothing to lose by trying it out when it comes out. While we have everything to lose by releasing something inferior.


jabber jabber


this kickstarter needs a kick


more candy for the non converted please . . .


That it does. Working to get lots more footage and screenshots. Hoping for tomorrow, but it's maybe beginning to look like Monday. Working super hard.


I think I'm finally beginning to figure out this video editing thing.

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Ilya - thanks for the update. Appreciate it's a super busy time but I really think it would be in your own best interests to set aside 30 mins every day just to answer questions, etc. here and on the KS feed for the remainderof the KS. People expect that level of visibility (on top of everything else! :)). In the absence of additional content which, for me, is understandable given where the project lifecycle is at right now that 30mins makes a big difference to people's perceptions which feeds into pledges. Anyway good luck for the rest of the KS - nearly there!

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To see what Echo38 is talking about, compare the way the P-51 guns fire in Il-2 1946 to the way they fire in DCS. I don't know of any other sim where the wing guns all fire together and cause the aircraft to yaw left and right. ;)


I support you guys and your project, and I'm probably going to increase my pledge amount in the next few days. Keep emphasizing that you are not trying to reinvent the wheel and aim to deliver more aircraft of similar quality to the DCS P-51. That's what I try to tell people when they say there is not enough to see yet. The DCS P-51 is already here to fly, it is excellent, and people should expect more things like it when they wonder what DCS WW2 will offer.

P-51D | Fw 190D-9 | Bf 109K-4 | Spitfire Mk IX | P-47D | WW2 assets pack | F-86 | Mig-15 | Mig-21 | Mirage 2000C | A-10C II | F-5E | F-16 | F/A-18 | Ka-50 | Combined Arms | FC3 | Nevada | Normandy | Straight of Hormuz | Syria

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Ilya - thanks for the update. Appreciate it's a super busy time but I really think it would be in your own best interests to set aside 30 mins every day just to answer questions, etc. here and on the KS feed for the remainderof the KS. People expect that level of visibility (on top of everything else! :)). In the absence of additional content which, for me, is understandable given where the project lifecycle is at right now that 30mins makes a big difference to people's perceptions which feeds into pledges. Anyway good luck for the rest of the KS - nearly there!




This is only for the next two weeks.

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Take my money!!


I want to go to corsica too!! :bounce:


TaliG - 373vFS


“Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.”

Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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Hey folks,


Sorry for a little delay in responding.




We're working on getting it right now.


We are coming to realize that a lot of people see this kickstarter as way too early, and it's a real shame. I hope everyone understands that it's a simple matter of timing. If we delayed the KS by say six months, we'd be able to have a much stronger presentation. However deciding on which features to add six months from now would, consequently, delay the release of any of those features by at least six months.




Of course.




We have a shared agreement. We're not completely out of the picture even if the Mustang and the Dora are the only aircraft being sold; but of course we really want to have other flyables.




I wrote a rather long paragraph in response, but then decided it would probably be pointless. I don't know if I really have any words that can convince you that we really are doing what we say we're doing, or what Oleg is really extremely knowledgeable and a perfectionist.


DCS is a very different environment from what we used to do. We are not trying to redefine it, and I'm sure we can fit in very well and work within these new constraints, but I guess the only way we can really prove it to anyone is by doing it.


The product we're doing is free, so, like I said before, you have nothing to lose by trying it out when it comes out. While we have everything to lose by releasing something inferior.




That it does. Working to get lots more footage and screenshots. Hoping for tomorrow, but it's maybe beginning to look like Monday. Working super hard.


I think I'm finally beginning to figure out this video editing thing.


Excellent Luthier, nice to see you here responding to the community.I know what you must be through and all the pressure you might be in right now but bear in mind that every delay could mean less potential customers.Im sure you are pretty busy right now and if that is the case just look for people to give you a hand so that these updates come quicker.Most of the hardcore simmers are already backing up this project but the updates should be there to appeal to the casual flyers and new comers as well.


Thanks again for all of your efforts:thumbup:


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To see what Echo38 is talking about, compare the way the P-51 guns fire in Il-2 1946 to the way they fire in DCS. I don't know of any other sim where the wing guns all fire together and cause the aircraft to yaw left and right. ;)


I support you guys and your project, and I'm probably going to increase my pledge amount in the next few days. Keep emphasizing that you are not trying to reinvent the wheel and aim to deliver more aircraft of similar quality to the DCS P-51. That's what I try to tell people when they say there is not enough to see yet. The DCS P-51 is already here to fly, it is excellent, and people should expect more things like it when they wonder what DCS WW2 will offer.



What people want to see is the existing early work.

Not only the work DCS. This is what they want.



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What people want to see is the existing early work.

Not only the work DCS. This is what they want.




We've seen a little bit of the Normandy map. What people are saying is that the work they've seen is not enough; they want more. If there isn't any more to show does that mean people are willing to let the project die?

P-51D | Fw 190D-9 | Bf 109K-4 | Spitfire Mk IX | P-47D | WW2 assets pack | F-86 | Mig-15 | Mig-21 | Mirage 2000C | A-10C II | F-5E | F-16 | F/A-18 | Ka-50 | Combined Arms | FC3 | Nevada | Normandy | Straight of Hormuz | Syria

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Well I for one will throwing down another $hundy on next Monday when I get paid.:thumbup:


I want more Flight sims, and we need more authentic flight sims compared to WOT BS! :thumbup::thumbup:

" any failure you meet, is never a defeat; merely a set up for a greater come back, "  W Forbes

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts,"  Winston Churchill 
" He who never changes his mind, never changes anything," 

MSI z690 MPG DDR4 || i9-14900k|| ddr4-64gb PC3200 || MSI RTX 4080S|Game1300w|Win11| |turtle beach elite pro 5.1|| ViRpiL,T50cm2||MFG Crosswinds|| VT50CM-plus rotor Throttle || G10 RGB EVGA Keyboard/MouseLogitech || PiMax Crystal VR || 32 Asus||

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You rang? :joystick:


I'm around if any assistance is needed.. :)


GLOWIE! We've been wondering about you!


Some promotional material for DCS WWII (featuring P-51D vs FW-190 footage) would be really neat.


I really (and I mean REALLY) loved that P-51D trailer you did!


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I wrote a rather long paragraph in response, but then decided it would probably be pointless. I don't know if I really have any words that can convince you that we really are doing what we say we're doing, or what Oleg is really extremely knowledgeable and a perfectionist.



Oleg is knowledgeable, i don't think many doubt that, and he might very well be perfectionist. I re-watched the first vid, he is saying that he answers your questions and will continue to answer questions in case kickstarter gets funded. i do not see how "мне в принципе интерестен этот проэкт" can be interpreted as "i am excited about this project". to me it sounds more like "i'm somewhat interested", and it is quite clear that he is not on a team this time. don't you think it is at least somewhat misleading ? because many for some reason gathered that he is directly involved. not that the exact level of Oleg's involvement is what makes me skeptical.





guys , i will try to ask this again. it looks like many of you are very enthusiastic and at least some are quite overjoyed. i also want a nice sim, but for the life of me i can not see where this unquestionable enthusiasm and could have possibly came from. why do i see so many grey areas where the rest see a smooth road with assured 100% sucess?. once in a while people come to my door and they are absolutely convinced that 2000 years or so a man was born out of immaculate conception and that for some reason i should take their word even though the personally didn't witness it... lets leave "i believe in luthier because ..." comments aside because we all can believe in different things.


can someone please rationalize how this project is going to be 100% success despite all the skiddish areas present? how it is of personal benefit to me to pledge vs. just buying if final product turns out to be right (since they making it anyways).

thanks in advance for your time.



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