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DCS 1.2.7 Open Beta - Preliminary Changelog

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its just a shame that some of us have been waiting around here for 7 years and they are going as slow as slow can get....not that it really matters to me anymore...since the Team Fusion release I havent played DCS and now that the modding community has started kicking ass on Arma3...DCS is just blank space on my hard drive and these forums are as stagnate as dead pond....perhaps one day ED will learn that once you get someones attention...you have to work hard to keep it....something that has not happened here....these forums have progresses only an inch over this last year....matter of fact, if it wasnt for the 3rd party dev, I wouldnt even log on anymore.....




....they should have made the F-18 3 years ago and let all the non flyable loadout changes be a side note....not the main features of the latest changelog...


...nothing sexy will be coming from here until the Mig gets released (not by ED)....then I'm guessing we have another 4 years of breath holding after that....everyone yelling "be patient" will soon find themselves in a room alone....they are far to many other PC gaming options out right now....I can no longer sit and wait to praise someone around here the next time they fart...i was told something solid was coming and once again its only hot air....


....sorry for the rant....just too many other cool things going on right now for me to get exited about non flyable loadout changes and SP mission debugs.....the track on crash is a feature for the devs, not the clients....the fact that we have so many crashes that they even had to make this feature is nothing to brag or be proud about....



.....Yes DCS is the Best, and I am a fanboy.....and I know they are going the right direction....I'm just tried of the wait....I'm going to wait on someone elses forums and hopefully when ED has something to sell me they do better at keeping my attention the next time around.....



^^^^read it quick, I'm sure its getting erased and I'll get a temp or perma ban for speaking how I feel^^^^^......again.....




EDIT...to ED.....if the standalone F-15 get released today i will kiss your greasy white ass....plz use this opportunity to prove me wrong....never in my life have I wanted to be wrong so bad....

Edited by Davis0079
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It only takes two things to fly, Airspeed and Money.

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Some Gems in this release.


Adjust Control window for in-game input adjustment were added. Adjust Control button can be find in the system panel by pressing ESC.


Yeay ED I could kiss you for this! :joystick:



The input modifiers are separated for each input layer (for each aircraft).


Great but feels like it could have been done a while ago.:doh: Thanks for it anyway.


Increased explosive mass to all HE rounds. Explosive now mass equals the round mass. This was decided because HE rounds lack fragmentation and were very weak on regards to proximity damage.


Yes! I will be able to kill infantry with rockets! :pilotfly:(before a rocket would hit right infont of them and they would stand there and laugh at me :mad:.)


I would love to see frag effects implemented in the future (Hopefully coming in CA 1.5 along with vehicle physics???):D

Mods I use: KA-50 JTAC - Better Fire and Smoke - Unchain Rudder from trim KA50 - Sim FFB for G940 - Beczl Rocket Pods Updated!

Processor: Intel Q6600 @ 3.00GHz

GPU: GeForce MSI RTX 2060 6GB

RAM: Crucial 8GB DDR2

HDD: 1TBGB Crucial SSD

OS: Windows 10, 64-bit

Peripherals: Logitech G940 Hotas, TrackiR 5, Voice Activated commands , Sharkoon 5.1 headset. ,Touch Control for iPad, JoyToKey

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1.2.7 & Force Feedback!


Sorry about the new thread, but just saw the preliminary changelog and panicked; not a single word about FFB!


It would be nice to fly this sim again some day, so please fix the FFB-bug in the upcoming patch.







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The lack of respect in here just blows my mind sometimes.


Guys - maybe try complaining a little more that <feature x> hasn't been included in this patch. Maybe since you Negative Nancies aren't happy enough with getting our weekly updates taken away you can also get our preliminary patch change logs taken away too. Hell, it's no wonder ED doesn't post more information about future possibilities... it's actually depressing to me to read all of the "but this was promised, but that was promised" whining in here. And I don't even work for ED.


New patch. Quite a few significant changes listed in the preliminary change log. Your favorite new feature not listed? Guess what? It's coming. Maybe not this patch, maybe not next patch, but it will eventually be added to the game. Is it such a big deal to you that <whatever> is not in this patch, that you would come in here and post that you are no longer interested in DCS and are moving on to something else? Good. Please uninstall the game and get off the forums ASAP so I don't have to read your incessant whining anymore.


Maybe if you do it fast enough, you'll leave before ED loses all desire to update the community with upcoming changes.


Seriously, blows my mind how much negativity is in here.

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Robert Sogomonian | Psyrixx

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I'm just wondering about something, I understand that Wags mentioned the F-15C AFM several times, posted a video of the F-15C landing with the new AFM, posted that load of info that got deleted and not long ago he posted that they are still working on it, with the feedback of a real F-15 pilot. All good, hopefully the AFM will be out within the next 2 to 3 months. :)


However... why are there people talking about the SU-27 AFM? As I understand Wags mentioned it a few times, saying that there would be one but there's been nothing about the actual development, no news or anything that would lead me to believe that they're anywhere near an advanced stage of development on that AFM... or did I miss something? :)


They are supposed to be released simultaneously. Like the A10A and Su25 were.

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The lack of respect in here just blows my mind sometimes.


Guys - maybe try complaining a little more that <feature x> hasn't been included in this patch. Maybe since you Negative Nancies aren't happy enough with getting our weekly updates taken away you can also get our preliminary patch change logs taken away too. Hell, it's no wonder ED doesn't post more information about future possibilities... it's actually depressing to me to read all of the "but this was promised, but that was promised" whining in here. And I don't even work for ED.


New patch. Quite a few significant changes listed in the preliminary change log. Your favorite new feature not listed? Guess what? It's coming. Maybe not this patch, maybe not next patch, but it will eventually be added to the game. Is it such a big deal to you that <whatever> is not in this patch, that you would come in here and post that you are no longer interested in DCS and are moving on to something else? Good. Please uninstall the game and get off the forums ASAP so I don't have to read your incessant whining anymore.


Maybe if you do it fast enough, you'll leave before ED loses all desire to update the community with upcoming changes.


Seriously, blows my mind how much negativity is in here.


Ahh the sweet irony. Its all unicorns and rainbows to you, isnt it?

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Ahh the sweet irony. Its all unicorns and rainbows to you, isnt it?


The game is already amazing. Each patch brings welcome fixes, and a few extra features. If they said <feature x> is going to be included eventually, it will be. Just because it isn't listed in this particular patch doesn't mean that they've cancelled it. It doesn't do anything but discourage Eagle Dynamics when they put a ton of effort into fixing the best flight sim on the market only to be barraged by a thread full of negativity about how <whatever> "was promised next update" and didn't make it.


Things change. Certain features that may have looked like they were almost done can hit snags and need to be postponed until a later update. It's not the end of the world. Eventually, if people complain enough, all we'll get are patch notes with absolutely no hints to what may be on the horizon from Eagle Dynamics because they'll be too sick of all the flak they get for "promising" something and not delivering.


Instead of fostering communication from them with a "thanks for the intel" the community seems to be punishing them for daring to post information about a future possibility and then not immediately following it up with substance.


F-15AFM is coming. Su27AFM is coming. New Su33 model is coming. EDGE is coming. ATC improvements? Guess what - they're coming too. Some of these things might even be included in this patch - the patch notes are preliminary and Wags may have inadvertently left them off the huge list of updates. If they're not? It's not the end of the world, they will be included in the future.


"But Wags said <whatever I've got a hard-on about> will be in the next patch!"


Maybe it was supposed to be. And maybe they decided to work on something more important or easier to finish so that they could check it off of their large list of ToDo items. And maybe by implementing said feature, it broke several other things and they need more time to adequately debug it. Or maybe it was dependent on something that seemed like it would be easy to implement but ended up holding up the entire patch release. These things (plus many more) happen during development of even simple applications - I'm sure it's compounded when working with a very complex flight simulator.


All I'm saying is: they're working as hard as they can and despite that, it seems like all we read is complaints in return. At some point, they'll just stop communicating with us all together because it won't be worth the negativity.

Edited by Psyrixx
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Robert Sogomonian | Psyrixx

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Ahh the sweet irony. Its all unicorns and rainbows to you, isnt it?


I was kinda thinking the same thing. If you try to look at the current situation in a more differentiated way, you will have to admit that there are issues left and simply mentioning them in this context is not necessarily a rant or childish. DCS is amazing, yes, but it´s not perfect. There is much going on, so progress on certain other specific issues will naturally be slow. One can be aware of that and still appreciate the work that is being done. No need for the name-calling to start again. I´m out.

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Deedle, deedle!

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Well, if ED thinks some things have to be delayed I am sure they have reason for this.

So far sooo good being their customer for me. They keep supporting their products, keep close bounds with the community, I have even got awesome 70% discount for buying MI8 just before discount even if I didn't mind.


I am also anxious for F15 AFM, Huey patches etc etc but c'mon. Be patient. Wait.


Go out with friends. Buy vodka. Lots of vodka. It will help you survive this longingness. And will make you see the rainbows and unicorns just for one more day again. True story.

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I remember when sex was safe and flying was dangerous.

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Pretty much every bug I cared about looks like it's going to be fixed in this update. If it doesn't break anything else in the process, the A-10C will be just about perfect and the best it's ever been.


This is a HUGE step in the right direction. All the extras, I can wait for. Ironing out the bugs has long been overdue and I'm happy to see ED respond to the concerns of the community on this one.


Maybe 'everything' won't be fixed, but I'd rather see them trying to bring most modules up to a working standard instead of adding a load of content that just breaks the game even more.


The little extras like engine smoke and better missile/SAM behaviour just make it even sweeter.


Good job ED. Damn good job.

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Wow ED sure have put a lot of work into this patch! I´m very pleased to see they´ve edited the loadout profiles so it will match the real World a bit more!


Also really happy to see AAR, ILS bars, VHF AM being fixed and the MQ-9 being introduced! Have a nice weekend ED (you´ve deserved it) and all you other pilots out there!



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The lack of respect in here just blows my mind sometimes.


Guys - maybe try complaining a little more that <feature x> hasn't been included in this patch. Maybe since you Negative Nancies aren't happy enough with getting our weekly updates taken away you can also get our preliminary patch change logs taken away too. Hell, it's no wonder ED doesn't post more information about future possibilities... it's actually depressing to me to read all of the "but this was promised, but that was promised" whining in here. And I don't even work for ED.


New patch. Quite a few significant changes listed in the preliminary change log. Your favorite new feature not listed? Guess what? It's coming. Maybe not this patch, maybe not next patch, but it will eventually be added to the game. Is it such a big deal to you that <whatever> is not in this patch, that you would come in here and post that you are no longer interested in DCS and are moving on to something else? Good. Please uninstall the game and get off the forums ASAP so I don't have to read your incessant whining anymore.


Maybe if you do it fast enough, you'll leave before ED loses all desire to update the community with upcoming changes.


Seriously, blows my mind how much negativity is in here.



It is impossible to plant an apple tree and want to harvest orange! ! !

criticism and praise are a consequence of the level of work ...

Your comment is negative! ! ! not being able to improve and wants to expel customers.

a large proportion of customers are not satisfied with the crumbs. this is the best you can do, expel dissatisfied customers? I think you should change profession ...


I know I will be banned from this forum here in my first post, but unfortunately it is this negative image that is being passed on to customers


a long wait for new features, new modules, but unfortunately the unique innovations are corrections

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Very nice my MIG will smoke like a russian bricklalyer chasing down vodka :)


I really hope that multiplyaer was the biggest effort they mustered the team for.

all the other stuff is almost pointless :) I like that the log starts with network sabilty. Kudos for ED that they listen to us and takeing all the demoralizing bitching from us.... im sure they want it to work too..


So let me get the EOS right... so from now on EOS FOV will be fixed to x axis.

Will the TWS change the MIG 29S TWS2 ability? Can we select the 2targets manualy? That would be awsome.

(Where is my 6DOF mig pit.......)



Looking foward for the MLs...

(Where is the 6DOF fogg pit :))

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Adjusted valid stores for F-16C Block 52:


Added GBU-27 - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.



only F-117?



"Страшнее Шилки зверя нет".


"Носи ППК с молоду-любить будешь до старости".

"СА-Танки решают все!"

"- А мы, старшина, ни за первую и не за вторую… Мы – за третью. За эту… За как её?.. За Родину!"



__|77|________:::::: =}-

\~~~~~~~~~/~~~~~~~ NAVAL AVIATION FAN ~~~~~~~

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I really hope that multiplyaer was the biggest effort they mustered the team for.

all the other stuff is almost pointless :)


Actually there are a lot more singleplayers than multiplayers, so the other stuff is very very far from pointless.


I like that the log starts with network sabilty. Kudos for ED that they listen to us and takeing all the demoralizing bitching from us.... im sure they want it to work too..
We don't take abuse. Rule 1.10.


So let me get the EOS right... so from now on EOS FOV will be fixed to x axis.
It isn't gyro-stabilized so you can point it by pointing your aircraft nose.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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