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Flight Simulators





  1. This should be trivial. Unfortunately, my limited programming skills are hampering my ability to solve this. Essentially, I have this challenge for a racing mission I put together for my pals 1) Capture the time an aircraft crosses a start line (zone) using DO SCRIPT 2) Capture the time that aircraft crosses a finish line (different zone) using DO SCRIPT 3) Subtract #1 from #2 and output to screen using same DO SCRIPT from #2 My poor understanding of LUA isn't allowing the math operation on #3. I can post the mission if its easier. Its basically 2 triggers that I currently have on timers so they fire and there's no requirement to fly/enter the trigger zones. Start trigger local _StartTime = timer.getTime() -- Put start time into variable local _CharacterTime = mist.getClockString(_StartTime) trigger.action.outTextForGroup(1, _CharacterTime, 30, false) -- Print start time to screen for debugging End Trigger local _FinishTime = timer.getTime() -- Put finish time into variable local _ElapsedTime = (_FinishTime - _StartTime) -- Calculate Elapsed Time (this is the command that crashes scripting engine) local _CharacterTime = mist.getClockString(_ElapsedTime) trigger.action.outTextForGroup(1, _CharacterTime, 30, false) --Print ET to screen for debugging How do I perform this subtraction of variables captured at different times in the mission by different DO SCRIPT events? Also, I am using MIST because I saw some other posts using it. I do NOT have to use it. Simply looking for the easiest way in which to do this. Thanks!!
  2. I have a number of new shipwrecks ready to place in the Normandy scenery. To give the scenery some variation I'd like to place the models in different 'poses', that is tilted in different degrees and axis. In my Maug movie I did that by creating and exporting individual .edm models for each pose, but I still think there must be a better and more ressourceful way (maybe a scripting hack?) of tilting an object in the scenery (as well as adjusting its height above oder under ground). Any help appreciated!
  3. If you build a mission with multiple flyable client aircraft it would great to see them as static aircraft if not taken by a player. At least for aircraft that are set to ground or ramp start. Maybe as an option. Would make the airfield look more populated.
  4. I’d appreciate the possibility to set desired bank agle for each waypoint. It will prevent AI of attempting to make tight turns (60° bank) during cruise flight at high levels – what usually lead to loss of speed, height, time and lot of fuel to get back on route.
  5. What is the status of the bug with ME placeable NDBs (non directional beacons) not working on the Persian Gulf map? I can remember the issue being reported 2 years ago, yet to this day none of them seem to work for anyone (both ARC and TACAN, latest personal tests with ARC in multiplayer with correctly placed and "working" beacons which no module can pick up). And does this have to do with the general map bug of fixed location beacons (NDBs) being coded in Hz instead of Mhz (typo-bug, as also present on Syria for a while, seemingly coming from and Eagle keylog being used as a baseline by Ugra Media)? This bug is relevant as for any mission scenarios that are above the absolute lowest denominator being able to home in on a road base or FARP when other means are not available or in DRIFT can be quite relevant (especially when forced to use terrain masking). Moreso since the PG map is quite empty and repetitive in many areas making terrestrial navigation especially at deck and even at angels an issue. An earnest update - even if it reads "we had no time/no ressources for that" - would be appreciated to at least know what the status is.
  6. The title says it all. More often than not, the real world readings are not what ends up being set in the ME for those two wind level. We used to have individual control of those two readings. It’d be great to be given that flexibility back.
  7. I would like to have a checkbox for not scaling the text boxes with zoom, it kinda maxes them very hard to use in some cases, I will add screenshots with an example. Thanks
  8. Would it be possible to create the possibility to enter the planned height in standard Flight Level nextside with present AGL and AMSL?
  9. I'd like to add SEAD or CAS task for F-117.
  10. I would just want the lua coding window in ME to be bigger. It would make working with lua much easier.
  11. Some countries don't have an option to add infantry units through the Mission Editor. There are a few important ones too. Could you perhaps add them? Even if they're basic models with an AK/M16 it'd be more than nothing. Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Honduras, India, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, North Korea, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Thailand, The Netherlands, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Yugoslavia
  12. I made a mission for the Hind. When I first made it, I made a camp within a meadow, enveloped by trees on all sides. However I go to bed, wake up the next morning and boot up DCS to keep tinkering, and find that two areas of the forest have disappeared! A triangle section of forest was removed on the south side of the camp, and the strip of trees to the east have been cleared. No triggers or such have been used to clear terrain or obstacles. Screenshots I took on day 1 of making this mission: Note the south tent and container are hidden in the trees, and there is forest behind the parked Hind... And this is what I found this morning: Also of interest, within the ME it clearly shows in the altitude and satellite view that there should be trees where the voids are to the south and east But once you jump into the mission, the F10 map will display the trees as-rendered...missing: Perhaps also related, I noticed that the first time I boot up the ME from the menu, the trees won't render at all close up, but are barely visible when zoomed out in the ME: This^ however does not render completely treeless once you fly the mission, that's ME-specific only. So this last screenshot may be a separate issue. Attached is the mission I made Mi24 start.miz
  13. Hi all, My project is to purpose to the pilote with a F10 menu to select the mission who want to do. With several missions files ".miz", with different meteo and training context. I created a script to implement a F10 menu to access to the mission library. To be more easily to maintain, I would like to bypass the legacy ACTION "LOAD MISSION" triggered by a flag in the Mission Editor and use a function lua to do the same thing. Here my sample of lua, MenuTrainingSwitch = MENU_MISSION:New( "Training Switch Mission" ) do local function SwitchMissionFn( Mission2Load ) MESSAGE:NewType( Mission2Load .. " to load", MESSAGE.Type.Information ):ToAll() -- HERE CALL FUNCTION TO LOAD AND RUN MISSION FILE end local MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI = MENU_MISSION:New( "CASE I", MenuTrainingSwitch ) local MenuTrainingSwitch_M1 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Calm" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W06SCT.miz") local MenuTrainingSwitch_M2 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Moderate" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W15BRK.miz") local MenuTrainingSwitch_M2 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Hard" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W25BRK.miz") local MenuTrainingSwitch_M2 = MENU_MISSION_COMMAND:New( "CASE I - Tempest" , MenuTrainingSwitch_CaseI, SwitchMissionFn, "103_Training_CASE I_SOLO_SYRIA_W35OVC.miz") end Do you have any idea about that ? Thanks for your help
  14. I have been making a mission with a Chinook transporting troops and noticed that since Stinger and Igla troops count as Air defence, they cannot board the vehicles. So I know its not a bug exactly but just making a suggestion to change that (unless I'm doing something wrong). There is a way around to make them spawn in after the vehicle arrives. This is the same for Mortars, as they are in the artillery category. Also as an idea, the mortars could have infantry model attached to them so they don't look like ghosts firing them. If this change is considered, the MANPAD and Mortar unit could take up 2 spaces in a vehicle as they take up more space.
  15. I set this scenario: AWACS has AI cover that is triggered by a script. Cover plane is set to follow AWACS and engage any intruder at range of 50km (message trigger added too). What cover does is disregarding WP actions and avoids fight leaving AWACS unprotected despite actions set. Mission is in attachment. ActTest.miz
  16. I'm working on a project for Universal Apache Training mission, and I'm having issues with the following: 1. If player overloads Apache I want a message to pop-up that the Apache is too heavy 2. I have a "race" in which you have to fly as fast as possible without crashing and I want to have a pop-up message at the end which tells you how much time it took the player (and potentially read highest speed the player flew at as well as lowest altitude). Hopefully someone can help me with this as I'm really bad at coding
  17. It would be nice if AI can override given alt and fly above tick clouds if given access in ME
  18. Hi there. My understanding is that there is a typo in trigger condition name, am I right? Group member fuel less then, Group member fuel more then, Should be: Less than, More than. Thank you for the condition though, something I always had to use the mist for before. Sorry, can't attach track as this is in ME.
  19. Hi As per the manual: All created pilots must be assigned a country. When creating a player mission, the country of the player flight must match the country of the pilot you wish to use! Otherwise, mission statistics will not be recorded in the logbook. However, I often fly different aircraft, like Hornet, Viper, Ka-50, MiG-29, Su-33 I may forget to switch the virtual pilot in Logbook and then fly Black Shark with my US pilot, and it will violate the aforementioned rule, not recording the statistics. I know that the logbook is less interesting to many, especially with its shortcomings, but I actually care about my virtual pilot stats, therefore I think, it would help likeminded people if the ME pilot name could be a dropdown taken from logbook:
  20. Hi everyone, I've found numerous errors and anomalies with the terrain mesh. The one's I've encountered the most are triangular/trapezium shaped sections of terrain, typically presenting around coves, bays and inlets. I've also found at least one massive sinkhole as well as a couple of anomalous ridges. Whilst many of the examples shown below are from low-altitude, they are absolutely noticeable from much higher up (here from a little over 29400 ft): -camera 25.994179 8.972572 -111.347769 -cameradir 0.219616 -0.694937 0.684712 For the meantime, I'll focus on the islands themselves as these are supposedly complete or very nearly complete. It should be said that East Falkland fairs better than West Falkland, though note that the examples below aren't by any means exhaustive. East Falkland: West Falkland:
  21. This isn't a bug per se. This thread is more about identifying an oddity and appeasing my OCD. I noted the list of radio channels has no sort order when looking at the mission file (no extension) from a .MIZ file. The important thing is the radio channel list is sorted correctly in the ME. I normally do all my radio channel updates via Notepad++, external to the ME, from a master file to the desired mission file (extracted from the .MIZ). When I copy from the master file, the channel presets are in numerical order. Once the file is saved then opened in the ME, the simplicity of a numerically sorted channel list is lost. Why does the radio channel list get scrambled? Here is an example:
  22. Hi, Does anybody know what UNIT / COCKPIT ARGUMENT or COCKPIT PARAMETER corresponds to engine revolutions in Mirage? Or any other way (script) how to use engine revolutions as a trigger condition in ME? Thanks
  23. hii, I have a problem with placing ground units in the ME. When I place a ground unit everything seems to be fine but when I load the mission it does not appear. This happens with ground vehicles and ships. This problem does not occur with aircraft. I hope somebody can help me out. (I have the VSN aicraft mods installed, these are the only modded files I have currently and yes I ran the repair tool but without any success).
  24. My single missions are not loading ships and ground units after today's update from steam, attached a couple. Sea Trials.miz Weapon practice field - Caucus.miz
  25. I am making a mission for a small group where they are attacking an OPFOR base. Depending on what route the players take, they may or may not be picked up by radar. Once they get within a certain distance, the jig is up. Once they trigger enemy AI to scramble and come after them, I would like a certain group of fighters to attack one specific player/airplane, instead of going after the closest one/intercept. Is there any way I can go about this? Thanks
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