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Flight Simulators





  1. Hello, this is my problem. When i start the game it wants me to log in then this error page appears. DCS Web site is not available at the moment. Offline mode requires a saved password and a successful login to operate. Also i cant go to the main dcs website, it gives me ERR_CONNECTION_RESET code. But I have and can use internet freely other than that. While i was trying to upload my log file. It gives me -200 server error code aswell. dcs.log
  2. Hey everyone, I recently moved abroad to a place where I need a VPN to use services such as Discord to talk to the rest of my friends/squadron. I finally had the time to open up DCS again but when I use the VPN (usually in split tunneling to work only on Dircord) the server list appears empty after just a couple of seconds. Has anyone ever had a similar experience? Attached you will find a log where it says basically this: 2025-01-08 20:38:37.520 INFO ASYNCNET (Main): client has started 2025-01-08 20:38:37.529 ERROR ASYNCNET (29824): sendServerInfoRequest( (10022) An invalid argument was supplied. 2025-01-08 20:38:37.529 ERROR ASYNCNET (29824): sendServerInfoRequest( (10022) An invalid argument was supplied. Cheers! dcs.log
  3. Hi everyone, I was a big fan of the French helicopter multiplayer SAR mission, which is no longer active. So, I decided to create my own small heli SAR mission. Enjoy! Server name: Rotors Over Beirut (SAR) IP adress: Discord: https://discord.gg/8XnNRWgCxY
  4. Welcome to our BVR-Soloqueue System, designed to find matches for 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 brackets with fair rules for all players. Our queing system automates arena and team allocations, making it easy for players to quickly find 90's BVR matchups in a competitive environment. We are now entering public open Beta. How it works: Finding a match: Players enter the que via a Discord channel. Once enough players have been found the Fighting Wing Bot creates a thread the Discord channel tagging the players. An arena will be reserved for the respective players if they confirm that they received the queue within 2 minutes. Once all respective players have confirmed the match slots for their arenas will be unlocked for them. ) Once the match is over, the players will automatically be removed from the slots and not be able to join anymore. You can use /notification-on and /notification-off in discord to opt in and out from receiving pings when someone joins a queue! (This is off by default, we just assign a role to you if you turn it on). Leaderboard: All players participating will be added on a public leaderboard. Leaderboards for their respective brackets (1v1, 2v2 and 3v3) will be seasonal and reset regularly throughout the year. The classical ELO system is used to calculate the relative skill levels of players. Each player has a rating number starting at 500. When you win, your rating goes up; when you lose, it goes down. Achieving certain milestones in rating will grant special discord titles and roles (visual). We plan on expanding the rewards in the future. You can check elo and ranking of any player by using /rank in discord Meta: The Server uses a 90's setting with the main missiles being the Aim-54C Mk47/60, Aim-120B (limited to 6 per aircraft), R-27ER, R-77 and 2 R73. The Aim-9X and Aim-120C will not be available. 2 SD-10s will be available for the JF-17. ECM is NOT allowed. The zone you're playing in punishes endless running by moving towards the team closer to the center. So try to contest that part of the zone! We plan on potentially adding more servers with different metas in the future, including Coldwar, 80s and modern! To start playing connect to our Discord server, READ THE RULES- AND-HELP CHANNEL and then use /linktutorial in any text channel to get started! https://discord.gg/W5Wyzc257v Thank you for your interest and most importantly enjoy your time on our server! If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out!
  5. Moin, Hat jemand hier schon Erfahrung mit den Serverhosts MasterArm.de gemacht? Von den Preisen her schonmal etwas günstiger als Fox3 und die Server stehen auch in DE. Oder habt ihr andere Empfehlungen für einen DCS Serverhost für bis zu 15 Personen? Ich habe nur Interesse an komplettem Solutions und möchte weder selber hosten, noch mich um einen Server kümmern müssen.
  6. Hey, When we tried running multiple DCS instances on Windows Server 2022, each under a different Windows user account, DCS would often crash during startup if multiple instances were launched simultaneously. These crashes frequently occurred before the login screen appeared, though sometimes they happened after logging in, showing a server crash modal. I only have logs from the latter case, but I hope the crashes occurring earlier are related. It seems that DCS is attempting to write to temporary files, which are typically located in the user’s temporary directory (this isn’t an issue). However, in this case, the files are being written to the system's temporary folder (C:\Windows\Temp\DCS), which causes two types of problems: (1) permission errors, as the users are different, and (2) file access conflicts, as one process may be holding onto a file while another process attempts to overwrite it. Here is the error message I believe is relevant (full logs attached): 2024-10-05 01:09:04.160 ERROR EDCORE (Main): [C:\Windows\TEMP\DCS\/~tr000026A3.bin] CreateFile(REWRITE): Access is denied. 2024-10-05 01:09:04.160 ERROR EDCORE (Main): Can't open file 'C:\Windows\TEMP\DCS\/~tr000026A3.bin' from real path fs. 2024-10-05 01:09:04.443 ALERT APP (Main): Unhandled exception: Cannot open track fiber file: C:\Windows\TEMP\DCS\/~tr000026A3.bin 2024-10-05 01:09:04.443 ERROR APP (Main): Stack trace: I believe this issue could be resolved by running DCS Server with the "-w identifier" flag. However, this solution feels somewhat hacky for us since this is for a server hosting service, and users might find it confusing if the DCS folders have different names. Additionally, we don't think this is intended behavior. Thanks in advance. dcs-20241005-011302.log dcs.log-20241005-010904.zip
  7. dcs.log-20240715-085217.zipdcs.log-20240715-044714.zipdcs.log-20240713-215252.zipHi ED, Since the most recent update we are seeing regular dedicated server crashes (which for us have been super stable for the whole year so far) I haven't got a full handle on trying to create a reproducible case but this is quite a tall order as I'm sure you can appreciate, especially as we have around 1500-1700 units (same as before this update) and have seen this 3 times since the patch dropped. 2024-07-13 21:52:48.778 INFO EDCORE (17388): # -------------- 20240713-215249 -------------- 2024-07-13 21:52:48.778 INFO EDCORE (17388): DCS/ (x86_64; Windows NT 10.0.20348) 2024-07-13 21:52:48.778 INFO EDCORE (17388): D:\dcs\server\bin\WorldGeneral.dll 2024-07-13 21:52:48.778 INFO EDCORE (17388): # C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00007ffa030714ea 00:00000000 2024-07-13 21:52:48.778 INFO EDCORE (17388): SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'D:\dcs\server\bin;', symOptions: 532, UserName: 'sdcs' 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): OS-Version: 10.0.20348 () 0x110-0x3 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000000e14ea (WorldGeneral): wDetectorWorker::~wDetectorWorker + 0xEA 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000000e2012 (WorldGeneral): wDetectorWorker::~wDetectorWorker + 0xC12 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000020184 (edterrain4): landscape4::CreateITerrainStub + 0x424 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000264deb (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x66BB 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000002635bf (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x4E8F 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x000000000025f852 (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x1122 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x000000000025f887 (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x1157 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 WARNING LOG (7668): 5 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000002643bc (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x5C8C 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000261d24 (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x35F4 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000262aaa (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x437A 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x000000000025f2db (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0xBAB 2024-07-13 21:52:48.779 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x000000000025f317 (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0xBE7 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 WARNING LOG (7668): 4 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x000000000026059b (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x1E6B 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000002605d7 (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::verticalIntersection + 0x1EA7 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 WARNING LOG (7668): 6 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000265bbf (edterrain4): landscape5::Surface5File::querySceneObjects + 0x7F 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x000000000002584e (edterrain4): ITerrainImpl4::queryAmbientSounds + 0x171E 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000011d1a (edterrain4): landscape4::lRoad::getStartParam + 0x5AA 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000000e21d0 (WorldGeneral): wDetectorWorker::checkObjLOSInMT + 0x120 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x00000000000e1c4e (WorldGeneral): wDetectorWorker::~wDetectorWorker + 0x84E 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000033b39 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0xB49 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000048a16 (edCore): ed::this_thread::yield + 0x15A26 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000032531 (edCore): ed::thread::_get_current_thread_id + 0x71 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000026b4c (ucrtbase): _recalloc + 0x5C 2024-07-13 21:52:48.780 INFO EDCORE (17388): 0x0000000000014cb0 (KERNEL32): BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x10
  8. Dear Eagle Dynamics, Over at 4YA we've been getting a few reports of players logging onto our servers and either imidiately or almost imidiately. so far we managed to gather 3 logs all with similar errors (around) the later part in the logs regarding an ERROR wich looks something like this, 2021-10-11 13:08:50.964 ERROR SOUND: invalid host_params(woLA-17508865): velocity i'll also attach the three logs we could find with similar finds in the logs while either testing or handling player reports on our servers. Thank you for your time, ED, and we hope it's of any use! - Sandwich, (4YA) dcs(1).log dcs.log
  9. I recently put together a server build for running multiple DCS clients. Unfortunately, it can't handle a heavy map. The mission on the server will proceed just fine until a client connects. Then all AI planes slowly loose their airspeed and it drops to 0. The airspeed will then skyrocket back up and down, with the planes hovering in place. I should note that lighter missions usually run flawlessly. Also, logs don't show a thing. Process Lasso did not make any performance improvements; to trick DCS into thinking all the cores from both processor are 1. Dual Xeon E-52678 v3 Processors (12 cores each - 24 with HT) 2.5Ghz 128GB DDR3 EEC Memory Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000 OS Disk is a dual 1TB SSD on Raid 0 DCS is installed on a separate 1TB SSD Windows 10
  10. DCS OpenBeta 2.7.7 Server IP: SRS: LotAtc: Request Access Tacview: Request Access General Server Idea What we wanted to bring to the DCS community is a server that will be persistent, hardcore, and fun. While we are mainly Rotary wing focused, this does not mean we do not like the fixed-wing airframes. Helping other players in building FARP, units, and capturing airfields is a very important part of our server. Discord<<Click me Situation Israel and Syria have been in conflict for thousands of years. Since 2022, After the ceasefire ordered by the Council of nations, Syria Has spent the last 20 years gearing up for war. Syria and the Council of Nations are not willing to allow the dictatorship to have such a large arsenal. The border needs to be reinforced to protect Israel from a possible Syrian Invasion. Once the border is reinforced, we can start the push into Syria to remove the dictator from power. Damascus is heavily reinforced by his followers. Destroy factories and airfields. Frequencies can be found in your kneeboard. There are Easter Eggs in this server mission. Good luck finding them! Game Plan Reinforce the front line(indicated on map) Push the Syrian forces from the border Move into Syria and capture the Factories, Airfields, and strategic points Dwindle the Syrian forces until the supply is low enough for an attack on Damascus Assassinate the Dictator Persistence This server is persistent, constantly evolving campaign. What this means is, everything you do is kept on the server after a restart. Supply There is a finite amount of supply for both Syria and Israel. This means if you take off in a helicopter or a jet, and loose the aircraft that will no longer be in the supply However, there are factories across the map for resupply of Airframes, Fuel, Munitions, and troops. Don't forget that you will need to resupply the airfields and FARPS with the required munitions. Statistics We save stats on the server, that includes but not limited to; Flight hours Kills Deaths Weapons Specifics AI specifics Rules Be kind.... Work together No trolling No Teamkilling Combined Arms Yes! We love combined arms users! If you would like to have the ability to have a combined arms slot, do not hesitate to ask! We keep the slots limited to users who are on the discord and have some form of reputation with Gracey's Village. This keeps trolls, and griefing to a minimum Weather The weather is a slightly bumpy, and chilly light overcast. The time starts at 730 am(first run) and continues through the night into the next day. Weather can change overtime.
  11. I downloaded IHOPI's Display Export App. Its a server executable, and an APP that goes on your ipad/tablet/phone/etc. It worked fine for a few days. I could use my A10c2's CDU on my tablet. (also TADs and the Lightning Pod... pretty cool) Today, The Server Program.. loads, completes its checklist, then just shuts off. Disappears. No error pop-up. Nothing. In Game.. the A10's Displays are blank. All the switches are on. Nothings displayed. Ive reached out to his channel here. Is there anything i can do, to reset my game? Reset MFD exporting? Any Ideas, where to look and do? Thanks (picture: Missing Display Data. 2nd screen (blank) where the data is exported from)
  12. Hello, Almost 4 years ago I did a Discord bot to share to players what is the current mission on the server, mission time (to see if it's day or night), and even see who is flying on a server without need to start DCS. So I did something using Node.JS + Discord.IO. But it's not a very neat solution because it means each server owner needs to create and host his own Discord. The best solution would be ED to has his own Discord bot because all those data are already available: Then, only one bot would be existing, and server owners wouldn't need to host their own Discord bot to connect their server to their community Discord. Of course I opened to ED a ticket to see if there were interested (maybe 3 year ago?), at this moment we didn't give a next. I continued to develop my bot, I shared a bit more information, server's password, SRS version and parameters for example. But those data would not be accessible from a ED server (I guess, but I may be wrong): But one day, the Discord.io framework wasn't supported anymore, so I had a redo a part of the bot, but the bot was still working, even today is still working, so I postponed a lot before redoing the bot. In the same time, I saw other Discord bot for DCS, for examples https://github.com/DCS-gRPC/Custodian or https://github.com/Special-K-s-Flightsim-Bots/DCSServerBot , but it wasn't the same language (remember, I basically choose NodeJS) and it wasn't the functional possibilities I was looking for. I don't really want to manage my DCS server, I prefer to create more "social" interactions between the DCS server and the Discord server. The last months, I finally re-did the entire bot to migrate from Discord.io to Discord.js and I also redid the lua part. Now, the current bot is sharing more data, and I called it : DIGITAL BOT SIMULATOR The server automatically says when the DCS server is OFF: And I also create a channel to follow what's happening in the mission, as you can see, I can share lot of events : During a dogfight we can see: And sometimes an accident: For now, I share almost everything, but I'll make an easy true/false panel to let the admin chooses what he wants to share on the Discord. I'm also trying to find a solution to talk from the Discord channel to the in-game DCS chat. I already did something working with the old bot, still also working: But the technical solution wasn't very clean, so I prefer to investigate and see if I can do something better. If you want to see the bot running, you can have a look on my Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZUZdMzQ . For now I'm still working on it, but yes : I plan to make it available pushing it to Github with a guide for any admins to download it and use it on it's own server. I just don't know when. If you have any questions, please, do it in a public place (on this topic or in a public channel on a Discord, you can also find me on the official DCS Discord server or on the modding hub Discord server) ). I don't want to answer in private because your question(s) could interests other players. See you soon Asta☠
  13. Ich habe noch nicht so viel Erfahrung, was die Performance bzw. die Hardware Anforderungen eines Dedicated Servers angeht. Ich hatte eine nicht von mir erstellte Mission auf meinem Server. Beim Triggern der KI Einheiten ging leider gar nichts mehr, zuerst keine Response, dann Rubber Bending. Beim Blick in den ME habe ich gesehen, dass ca. 1300 KI Einheiten verbaut sind. Ist das viel bzw. zu viel? Wie viele KIs sind grob die Grenze?
  14. Hello Community, I tried to find a function or command to autockick all players from a multiplayer server but without success. In the specific I want to kick all player from the server before the server restart that is scheduled every 4 hours beacause server dosn't restart automatically if find a connected player. Could you please help me for this? Thank you very much in advanced.
  15. Currently have 4 servers running on beta with different missions all are crashing with the same/similar crash logs Sadly cannot post a track file as they are all above 5mb. The servers seem to be crashing at random times in the missions. sometimes 10 mins, sometimes 2 hours. Any help with this would be wonderful Thanks - 4YA woj dcs.20210416-101150.crash If required i can post the crash logs for all the other servers aswell
  16. Anyone else server not being listed in the Server Listing? I'm already going bald and im about to pull the rest of my hair out! lol For some strange reason my server is no longer being listed within the server listings. I have been trying for the past 3 days to figure out what happened but nothing im doing appears to be working. It just stopped being listed all of a sudden. Been hosting DCS Servers for like 3 years now and I like to think i know what i am doing lol I have the following Ports being forwarded via my router and are open via windows. 10308 - DCS 8088 - WebGui 5002 - SRS Network Adapter: Yes - Both ipv4 and ipv6 enabled People can connect to my server just fine via direct ip (not my local IP) So I even started from scratch to re-setup all my port forwarding and reopen all required ports via my windows firewall. Even after redoing everything - still can not see my server being listed. Again have no problem pinging server via ip from Canyoureachme.org Also have the following Ports Forward via Router. Game Servers with DCS Account I just can't seem to figure this out! Also no matter what i do with port forwarding or open ports my server shows up like this when I log into my DCS Account and view my hosted servers. I do find this a bit strange as well Anyone else having issues with there server not being listed? Any tips or suggestions that you may have would greatly be appreciated! Thanks! -Element
  17. How can someone retrieve the number of online players in their server and put it on a website?
  18. I don't know why, but since a week or so, I just can't join the Growling Sidewinder and OFS - Open flight school server. It's not like I get an error while joining, but instead I can't see them on the server list. This all happened after marking them with a star and the following game crash.
  19. Hello everyone ! I'm posting this to announce the creation of the DCS Tactical Recon Community discord. This discord aims to gather all virtual pilots interested in this special mission, to share dedicated scripts, multiplayer server to practice and discuss specific tactics as well as the real world of aerial reconnaissance by sharing documents, photos, stories, books, podcasts, websites, etc... All people interested in aerial reconnaissance and its aircraft are welcome. We are also looking for people who want to participate in the creation of content to improve and propose new dedicated scripts, as well as to create liveries and mods. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested! Here is the link to the discord: https://discord.gg/5tM9Djdw9C See you soon in flight!
  20. Can you please investigate if it's possible (technically it obviously is) for you to implement as 'Save State' and 'Reload State' for any mission running on a DCS Server as part of the server options? USE CASE: A group of players play a long mission but don't quite finish it. So before they all have to log off, they land and the host gets the server to 'Save State', whereby it saves all positions, states of units, scores, infantry, downed pilots awaiting rescue etc. Then, when the group of players want to resume (even if one or more are not playing, or other players are joining in) the server host and 'Load Previous State' and the mission will resume from the point where it was stopped previously. This would be especially important on long campaigns or dynamic large-scale battles maps. Even more prescient now we have the huge (and awesome) South Atlantic map. This, and other significant upgrades to the Mission Editor / Server should be a high priority now we have so many playable units and large maps.
  21. I was just searching for some cold war servers and thought would be a lot easier just having a time period search dropdown bar like cold war modern etc. The photo I have attached i think is a good place for a "Time period" dropdown bar to be for cold war, modern etc Server owners would be able to "tag" or something, there server to best describe what it is so when people search the time period there server will pop. e.g Enigma cold war server would describe themselves as cold war. It wouldn't be able to be customised by server owners. As then ease of use is no longer easy as it would introduce searching. Just premade time periods for easier searching. e.g Cold war, Modern, WW2 etc
  22. This is my first time trying to host a server on one of my PCs. I have the ports being forwarded 10308 and 8088 for the server and acceptations in my firewall for DCS but it still will not show up on my other computer in the server list. https://www.serveracademy.com/tutorials/how-to-host-a-dcs-server-full-step-by-step-guide/ I followed the steps in the link. I have the open beta server and everything for each computer is up to date. Anyone have any suggestions or something that I'm missing?
  23. Strategic DCS is a relatively new (under 1 year old, built from the ground up) server that has spent our time with little advertising as we continued to test theories, trying various mechanics (removing and tweaking many that didn't work out as envisioned!) and ultimately polishing the product to a place we were happy with to invite more users to experience it. Our focus has been to find that balance between fun and rewarding without resorting to having too many chore tasks impacting those with limited time to play and our focus on personal impact over coalition wide punishments. Find Us: Server Name: SDCS | strategic-dcs.com | Persistent Dynamic CA Campaign Server IP: dcs.strategic-dcs.com / Unique Features, What makes us different: Real Time, dynamic FARP placement Obtain a base crate from an existing Airbase / FARP with shelter and load into your Plane, utility chopper, or even truck Place this in a suitable location (green filled triangle on F10 map) and unpack! Immediately be able select the location from the slot list, and spawn at the exact location! Exclusive Player JTAC Capabilities Help your buddies out; By flying a mi8, huey, or gazelle you can spot enemy units, and automatically update nearby helicopters for highly effective hunter-killer sorties Anti Tree Technology We know how frustrating finding player controlled units deep in the forests, especially on caucasus can be. We have developed a solution to prevent this by automatically notifying and de-spawning units that head too deep into forests - you won't need to spend hours trying to bomb impenetrable trees! Take a look at our Caucasus deep forest map: (red = deep, orange = shallow, purple = road, allowing us to place mobile units in the treeline along roads, but static objects like shelters not in the trees, and never too deep they're unstoppable and tedious to find!) Even more detailed option (still scaled down from 29,000x16,000px) : https://strategic-dcs.com/storage/caucasus_overlay.jpg AutoGCI Not every module has decent Data Link, not everyone is on comm (Discord / SRS Primarily). Our AutoGCI updates you every 30s (or as requested) known threats collected from E2, Radars, and even line of sight from ground units, with all calculations occurring outside of DCS so we can ensure we maintain optimal performance within the game environment Don't Panic! We care about our rotary pilots, and you have opportunity to remain hidden! (see our wiki) Chat Commands / Discord We love looking at ways to enhance collaboration, discord based Situation Reports channel to provide players with the current objectives when they spawn along with in game chat commands to create map markers, and push the targets to coalition-locked discord channels - no more searching for the target your TPod has on the F10 map, just use the coordinates! -target N 26 46.104 E 055 51.798 -- MBT This will place the marker on the map on the correct location and dispatch to discord! General Features Player controlled ground war! We grant full TacCom access to all players. The majority of units player ordered from factories using Map Markers and flown by AI flights, or loaded and flown by players themselves. Every unit life matters, and the ability of ground force commanders to control the sings of combat offer significant advantages - do you push from the ground? focus on clearing from the air with reduced ground force ? Your coalition has full control over your strategy. We have a global Resource Point cap, but the freedom to chose how to spend those resource points to focus on any particular asset type and the risks that come with should they die (A large battle may see your strength reduced for some time as resource points regenerate) Live Map and detailed stats We collect a lot of stats, every flight, how far you traveled, how many shots you took during each leg of a flight etc. are almost out your fingertips. Whilst the stats website is new, the front end, API, and even a database dump with real data is available to allow our community to update and submit pull requests to increase coverage and get access to anything you want (or request we add to the DB!) Splash Damage We make use of FrozenDroid/Grimm's fantastic Splash Damage script to ensure dumb bombs remain practical Tacview Whilst we do not run Tacview on the server, we do generate tacview compatible ACMI files from our engine outside of DCS. This allows us to have even more information in our tacview files without incurring the high lua CPU usage that an embedded tacview generator causes. This includes player markers, JTAC markers, if you were detected by AutoGCI or not and player chat and even which player was driving a specific vehicle at any time! Ultimately, this allows us to use tacview as an interactive log for both to help assist players. At the end of each campaign these are made available to download (Soon the stats kills/deaths page will have a link to the download the tacview associated with the kill/death without you having to navigate to it yourself) Checkout last campaigns data here: https://strategic-dcs.com/tacview/2024-03-25-1638-Syria2/ Map Rotation: Currently we operate: Caucasus -> PG -> Syria -> Caucasus Inverted -> PG Inverted -> Syria Inverted Our Inverted campaigns are where the starting locations are swapped, ensuring another source of variation every campaign. Module Layout We understand module layout is a contentious subject, and we have to try and find a compromise to avoid one side stacks that push us into a PvE server. Our community so far has been keen on each side having it's own identity and strengths and weaknesses. From the ground war, it's mostly west (Patriot, Hawk. etc) vs east (SA10, SA11) but on the air side this is not really possible. For more information please see: https://wiki.strategic-dcs.com/en/home Community Driven We are strong believers of taking a community driven approach; whilst we will never be the one and only for everyone, we do try our best to encourage discussion, take criticism (particularly when constructive!) about things that are working well, more so what doesn't work so well, and most of all feedback as to how we can improve, and develop in the direction the community wishes to go. Documentation An up to date wiki with all features and capabilities can be found: https://wiki.strategic-dcs.com Credits Like all projects, we build upon the knowledge and products of many others that should be acknowledged; In particular, we make extensive use of DCS gRPC for all communication between DCS and our "engine" that handles all our mission logic outside DCS. This, coupled with PyDCS ensures we save a huge amount of time in maintaining our mission files themselves that clients download to manage our aircraft spawn positions, skins, options, laser codes and more all from a config file. Contact Us Please, feel free to join our discord: https://wiki.strategic-dcs.com/discord or feel free to reach out via PM here or on discord (martin.co) for any specific questions you may have
  24. so when i host a Multiplayer Server i dont get the normal Server Overview of the Aircrafts and Teams i just get the singleplayer menu and the server is not online
  25. Good morning all, I am looking to run 2 instances on one Server PC. I have followed the attached routine up to the point of setting up the autoexec.cfg and the serversettings.lua . It appears to completely skip the part about setting up multiple port forwards and how you connect the webguis to multiple instances. If anyone can guide me I'd be eternally grateful. Ideally someone who can spend a little bit of time on Discord and talk me through the process. I have fairly good understanding of hardware, software and networking. But clearly not enough to make heads no tails of this. Thanks in advance RedBear DCS Multiple Dedicated Servers.pdf
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