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2022 is going to be huge!


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Im waiting for multithreading and vulcan. Because it will mean better performance, and better performance will get us closer to see the official dynamic campaign mode. Modules are great, but a thriving dynamic and changing battlefield is the thing that will complete DCS. At least for me. So i hold my thumbs for fantastic news in 2022, as i did in 2021, which was also great.

Edited by Mr.Scar
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There are certainly several new modules coming to DCS in 2022, some of them were initially planned for 2021. I've just realised that the last 3rd party aircraft released in DCS was JF-17 from Deka in 2019. Time flies. 

This year it looks like at least Razbam, Aerges and IndiaFoxtrot should release something, maybe also Polychop and even Heatblur if the stars align. Plus of course ED with 1-3 new products and improvements to the core simulator. 

Overall every year DCS gets gradually better than it was last year. Yeah, not as fast as we'd like, and it's sometimes two steps forward, one step back, but it's steadily improving.

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Hardware: VPForce Rhino, FSSB R3 Ultra, Virpil WarBRD, Hotas Warthog, Winwing F15EX, Slaw Rudder, GVL224 Trio Throttle, Thrustmaster MFDs, Saitek Trim wheel, Trackir 5, Quest Pro

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21 hours ago, rayrayblues said:

F4U is a third-party project, but even if we got it soon, we wouldn't have WWll Marianas, IJN naval and air,

WWll allied naval & carriers, etc. It will be a great plane with no place to fly it.

I'd argue it's a nice placeholder for an A-1 Skyraider in a Vietnam/Cold War scenario. 

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Fire only at close range, and only when your opponent is properly in your sights.


-Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Jasta 2

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7 hours ago, shadepiece said:

I'd argue it's a nice placeholder for an A-1 Skyraider in a Vietnam/Cold War scenario. 

F4U was used a lot of first months of Korean war, apparently USAF pilots in the de-mothballed P51 weren't the best CAS guys. But Marines in the Corsair could drop 500lb bombs with high accuracy. 

If only we has some ground assets for Korea like Communist infantry and armor.

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i7 13700k @5.2ghz, GTX 3090, 64Gig ram 4800mhz DDR5, M2 drive.

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The Apache is the only module which peaks my interest at the moment, although I'm delaying any purchase until it drops. After the F16 I'm in the 'once bitten twice shy' camp.

I'm also not sure I want to invest more hard earned into a sim which at the moment is basically more a flight simulator than a combat simulator. I appreciate that's a very subjective opinion and people play differently and derive satifaction from different aspects of the sim, but for me, I'm finding it frustrating having a library of hi-fidelity aircraft but not having any meaningful to do with them.

Maybe once (if) a dynamic campaign arrives and I feel like I'm part of something bigger and making a difference I'll be more inclined to invest time and money.


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On 1/31/2022 at 7:19 AM, Mr.Scar said:

Im waiting for multithreading and vulcan. Because it will mean better performance, and better performance will get us closer to see the official dynamic campaign mode. Modules are great, but a thriving dynamic and changing battlefield is the thing that will complete DCS. At least for me. So i hold my thumbs for fantastic news in 2022, as i did in 2021, which was also great.


I think you’re right. Especially for single players. A great working dynamic campaign, with a healthy and diverse set of mission sets, will add nearly infinite replay-ability. While I’m really looking forward to the Apache, Multithreading, Vulcan, and DC are the only things I’m really ‘excited’ for. 

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"After the F16 I'm in the 'once bitten twice shy' camp."

The F16 is still in early access...  It hasn't "dropped" yet.  Early access doesn't mean "Hey if you pay us now we'll give you access to a finished product that we'll just arbitrarily add things to in order to make it over finished...".  There STILL is no date for the Viper to be finished.  I believe the best we have is "this year".

It means it's far from finished.  Regarding the viper specifically...  ED had a release window a mile wide (like a year or more, just for an EA release...  not even an actual release) and the community DEMANDED that they EA release it in SUPER early "it's just barely flyable at the moment" access.  You have nothing to be shy about unless you didn't understand those things when you purchased...  but it's pretty clear when you purchase IMO.

Please don't feel like I'm just singling you out...  I'm just tired of hearing the community complain about a problem they caused.  I don't mean you individually...  but the facts are there.  The community raised a "stink" to get ED to release the Viper WAY early promising they would absolutely 100% NOT complain when it didn't get worked on until the Hornet was much further along.  They (the community) did not hold up their end of the bargain which hindered the development of the Hornet AND made a large number of people upset with ED because their unrealistic expectations were unmet.

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Nvidia RTX3080 (HP Reverb), AMD 3800x

Asus Prime X570P, 64GB G-Skill RipJaw 3600

Saitek X-65F and Fanatec Club-Sport Pedals (Using VJoy and Gremlin to remap Throttle and Clutch into a Rudder axis)

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54 minutes ago, M1Combat said:

"After the F16 I'm in the 'once bitten twice shy' camp."

The F16 is still in early access...  It hasn't "dropped" yet.  Early access doesn't mean "Hey if you pay us now we'll give you access to a finished product that we'll just arbitrarily add things to in order to make it over finished...".  There STILL is no date for the Viper to be finished.  I believe the best we have is "this year".

It means it's far from finished.  Regarding the viper specifically...  ED had a release window a mile wide (like a year or more, just for an EA release...  not even an actual release) and the community DEMANDED that they EA release it in SUPER early "it's just barely flyable at the moment" access.  You have nothing to be shy about unless you didn't understand those things when you purchased...  but it's pretty clear when you purchase IMO.

Please don't feel like I'm just singling you out...  I'm just tired of hearing the community complain about a problem they caused.  I don't mean you individually...  but the facts are there.  The community raised a "stink" to get ED to release the Viper WAY early promising they would absolutely 100% NOT complain when it didn't get worked on until the Hornet was much further along.  They (the community) did not hold up their end of the bargain which hindered the development of the Hornet AND made a large number of people upset with ED because their unrealistic expectations were unmet.

I can't disagree with what you say about the community being it's own worst enemy, and the flight sim community has a real knack for it 🙂. But I think there's also an element of devs, in the whole of the gaming industry, being quite ameniable to EA as a way of getting income. So there is fault on both sides I suppose.

I just get a touch frustrated that the core game doesn't get as much attention as the numerous DLC's being released to fly in it.

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2 hours ago, M1Combat said:

ED had a release window a mile wide (like a year or more, just for an EA release...  not even an actual release) and the community DEMANDED that they EA release it in SUPER early "it's just barely flyable at the moment" access. 

Please don't create fake stories. When ED opened preorders in May 2019 and started taking money from people, they set themselves a release window of early autumn. That's not a year wide, in fact it's pretty narrow timeframe.

I also don't remember demanding any early release, or any bargaining with ED. Never knew it's even possible to stuck such deal with a developer. Where do you sign up for that?

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Hardware: VPForce Rhino, FSSB R3 Ultra, Virpil WarBRD, Hotas Warthog, Winwing F15EX, Slaw Rudder, GVL224 Trio Throttle, Thrustmaster MFDs, Saitek Trim wheel, Trackir 5, Quest Pro

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On 1/29/2022 at 2:03 AM, Lace said:

Have we ever seen a year where DCS will receive such quantity and quality added to the lineup?  We can realistically expect the Apache, F-15E, F-4, South Atlantic, MB-339, maybe Kiowa, BS3, Bo-105, Corsair (maybe both F-4U and A-7?) MiG-23, new FLIR, dynamic WX, plus others I've probably overlooked.  There seems to be so much on the cards for the next 12 months.  The only downside is the sheer amount of study which will be required.  I think 2022 is going to be an amazing year for DCS, and I for one are hugely appreciative of the work going on.

I think we will be in good shape if we actually get half of that this year. But I think you are being wildly optimistic.

I for one would expect to see

"some" flir improvements (early access/WIP for sure)

Mirage F1 (remember it was supposed to be out Q2 last year)


Apache (remember it was supposed to be out Q4 last year)

Probably see


South Atlantic

Maybe see

Dynamic weather (hey what about clouds blocking IR and AI vision, where on the roadmap is that a year later?)

F4 depending on how far along it already is maybe put this in the probably category, I mean HB is rather famous for looong timelines

F4U, maybe, I've been expecting for 2 years so hey maybe this is the year, and really it needs a map and assets to go with it.

A7 (they look like they are making progress but who knows if anything is actually up to DCS standards)


At a guess won't see







Edited by Harlikwin
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New hotness: I7 9700k 4.8ghz, 32gb ddr4, 2080ti, :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, HP Reverb (formermly CV1)

Old-N-busted: i7 4720HQ ~3.5GHZ, +32GB DDR3 + Nvidia GTX980m (4GB VRAM) :joystick: TM Warthog. TrackIR, Rift CV1 (yes really).

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2 hours ago, some1 said:

Please don't create fake stories. When ED opened preorders in May 2019 and started taking money from people, they set themselves a release window of early autumn. That's not a year wide, in fact it's pretty narrow timeframe.

I also don't remember demanding any early release, or any bargaining with ED. Never knew it's even possible to stuck such deal with a developer. Where do you sign up for that?

You can see it however you want and they may have said something about early autumn but that's beside the point (and I'd love to be proven wrong if you can do so...).  What actually happened is that Wags mentioned that it was actually flyable in a video and the community came unhinged demanding that it be released right now (Not pointing the finger at you...  not sure why you're taking this personally) and that they would surely not complain about the state of the module until the Hornet was in a good place.  They "understand it's EA and the Hornet comes first etc etc...".  So ED decided to let it fly.  I agree whole heartedly that they shouldn't have...  but the community was very vocal about it especially since people had paid for it already and it was "flyable".  Well...  we all know now that it was indeed "flyable" and that was about it.

I'm not attempting to exonerate ED from mistakes they made.  Don't get this twisted :).  I'm only saying that ED did NOT plan to release the Viper the way it happened from the beginning.  They planned on getting it further along (and you know even if they did mention autumn...  they would have pushed that back...  I mean seriously) before any EA took place.  By EA I don't mean early purchase...  I mean early "access".

I get tired of hearing people say BS and throw ED under the bus when what REALLY happened is ED made a mistake and did what the community asked for.  Then the community turned on them.  Both the Viper and Hornet folks, but for different reasons.

If you feel some details are off in my understanding...  that's great...  but the overall arc of the story...  spot on sir.  Spot on.  That's what happened.

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Nvidia RTX3080 (HP Reverb), AMD 3800x

Asus Prime X570P, 64GB G-Skill RipJaw 3600

Saitek X-65F and Fanatec Club-Sport Pedals (Using VJoy and Gremlin to remap Throttle and Clutch into a Rudder axis)

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On 1/29/2022 at 10:03 AM, Lace said:

Have we ever seen a year where DCS will receive such quantity and quality added to the lineup?  We can realistically expect the Apache, F-15E, F-4, South Atlantic, MB-339, maybe Kiowa, BS3, Bo-105, Corsair (maybe both F-4U and A-7?) MiG-23, new FLIR, dynamic WX, plus others I've probably overlooked.  There seems to be so much on the cards for the next 12 months.  The only downside is the sheer amount of study which will be required.  I think 2022 is going to be an amazing year for DCS, and I for one are hugely appreciative of the work going on.

Honestly, out of that list, plus the ones you missed, I expect those to drop in '22 actually:

AH-64D (w/o FCR, that's gonna take them a good while)
South Atlantic
BS3 (need to play Tetris on the SYST page enroute)
Mirage F.1



The ones that might have a chance to drop:


Dynamic Weather (same as Apache FCR, that's quite complex and a lot of work to to)
Dynamic Campaign Beta


I absolutely don't expect the new engine, I'd rather be positively surprised at some point.

I guess the F-4E will end up being announced for Q4 at some point, ending up in Q5 (aka Q1 of 2023) eventually, similar to the Apache or that "The Winter is in the claw of the cat" thing back in the day.


On 1/30/2022 at 7:47 PM, MAXsenna said:

Get an MS Sidewinder FFB2. 

Once in a while you'll find them on Finn for about NOK500 😉

That's a steal... you could easily take 100€ (about twice as much) for one around here. But definately worth it. Flying a helo without is like not having a trim hat for airplanes, unless you'd be talking things like the 109 or MiG-15 that have other types of control for that.

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57 minutes ago, Eldur said:

 That's a steal... you could easily take 100€ (about twice as much) for one around here. But definately worth it. Flying a helo without is like not having a trim hat for airplanes, unless you'd be talking things like the 109 or MiG-15 that have other types of control for that.

True, that's why I now have five. 

Most expensive one was NOK650, "cheapest" I paid for was NOK350. While the actual cheapest one I got for free, just because I asked while I bought a full working Cougar set for NOK1000, and I saw it standing there while I picked up the Cougar. 😊 

The last two that was listed here, they were asking for NOK1000 each, but the the offers expired, so I don't think they ever got sold. Might beep them with a lower offer though. 😉

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18 hours ago, M1Combat said:

You can see it however you want and they may have said something about early autumn but that's beside the point (and I'd love to be proven wrong if you can do so...).  What actually happened is that Wags mentioned that it was actually flyable in a video and the community came unhinged demanding that it be released right now (Not pointing the finger at you...  not sure why you're taking this personally) and that they would surely not complain about the state of the module until the Hornet was in a good place.  They "understand it's EA and the Hornet comes first etc etc...".  So ED decided to let it fly.  I agree whole heartedly that they shouldn't have...  but the community was very vocal about it especially since people had paid for it already and it was "flyable".  Well...  we all know now that it was indeed "flyable" and that was about it.

I'm not attempting to exonerate ED from mistakes they made.  Don't get this twisted :).  I'm only saying that ED did NOT plan to release the Viper the way it happened from the beginning.  They planned on getting it further along (and you know even if they did mention autumn...  they would have pushed that back...  I mean seriously) before any EA took place.  By EA I don't mean early purchase...  I mean early "access".

I get tired of hearing people say BS and throw ED under the bus when what REALLY happened is ED made a mistake and did what the community asked for.  Then the community turned on them.  Both the Viper and Hornet folks, but for different reasons.

If you feel some details are off in my understanding...  that's great...  but the overall arc of the story...  spot on sir.  Spot on.  That's what happened.

This is an "age-old" scenario.... damned if you do and damned if you don't. It's always the same. Do one thing and you should've done it the other way. Nothing ever changes. Never can everyone be happy.

Win 10 64 bit

Intel I-7 7700K

32GB Ram

Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6gig

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18 hours ago, Eldur said:

Honestly, out of that list, plus the ones you missed, I expect those to drop in '22 actually:

AH-64D (w/o FCR, that's gonna take them a good while)
South Atlantic
BS3 (need to play Tetris on the SYST page enroute)
Mirage F.1




Can I ask why there seems to be so much optimism around F-15E this year? It's a super cool aircraft, one that I think fits the bill for a great aircraft to simulate in DCS, and I'd love to see it in '22. Having said that, all I've really seen has been a nicely detailed external model and some pretty well done cockpit texturing. I don't think I've seen anything that shows it anywhere near early access, specifically stuff like the flight model, weapons systems, etc that are probably the real work to building an aircraft in DCS. Am I missing something?

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3 hours ago, davidrbarnette said:

Can I ask why there seems to be so much optimism around F-15E this year? It's a super cool aircraft, one that I think fits the bill for a great aircraft to simulate in DCS, and I'd love to see it in '22. Having said that, all I've really seen has been a nicely detailed external model and some pretty well done cockpit texturing. I don't think I've seen anything that shows it anywhere near early access, specifically stuff like the flight model, weapons systems, etc that are probably the real work to building an aircraft in DCS. Am I missing something?

F15 together with the South Atlantic maps were probably the two most prominent things in the 22 and beyond trailer  

i7 13700k @5.2ghz, GTX 3090, 64Gig ram 4800mhz DDR5, M2 drive.

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On 1/30/2022 at 7:59 PM, norman99 said:

I’d be very surprised if there is any substantial improvement on core DCS features. Dynamic WX, Dynamic Campaign, Vulcan, AI improvements, ATC etc have all been openly discussed for years, and minimal progress has been made. The unfortunate fact is time spent developing these, simply doesn’t generate any significant revenue. New modules do, so expect a few new early access releases, slower development for current modules, and even a new module or two announced by years end. In other words, more of the same. Not that that’s a bad thing. 

(Sometimes I wish ED would truly rock the landscape, and charge us a one off ~$60 for DCS 3.0, with all the core improvements that have been discussed for decades and are desperately needed. ED would get their revenue, we’d all get the core sim we always wanted. Win-win. But, I digress….)


On the subject of new revenue, I haven’t bought a module since the release of the super carrier. After that, flat out quit flying because of performance in VR ( and my system is no fluff). Want a 3090 and the Phantom soooo bad but not a single penny of revenue from my wallet will be transacted unless Multicore, Vulcan or whatever program improvements it takes to stop the slideshow without turning my VR resolution down to “beer goggles” are completed. Maybe I’m the only guy, dunno…. 
And yes,I’m sure your “that guy” who has butter smooth VR performance that’s crystal clear, so you can skip that reply! (Generic “your “ not referring to Norman99 or anyone in particular:)). 
It could be so cool!! Fingers crossed, wallet closed. 

Edited by Mr. Big.Biggs
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I9 (5Ghz turbo)2080ti 64Gb 3200 ram. 3 drives. A sata 2tb storage and 2 M.2 drives. 1 is 1tb, 1 is 500gb.

Valve Index, Virpil t50 cm2 stick, t50 base and v3 throttle w mini stick. MFG crosswind pedals.

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On the subject of new revenue, I haven’t bought a module since the release of the super carrier. After that, flat out quit flying because of performance in VR ( and my system is no fluff). Want a 3090 and the Phantom soooo bad but not a single penny of revenue from my wallet will be transacted unless Multicore, Vulcan or whatever program improvements it takes to stop the slideshow without turning my VR resolution down to “beer goggles” are completed. Maybe I’m the only guy, dunno…. 
And yes,I’m sure your “that guy” who has butter smooth VR performance that’s crystal clear, so you can skip that reply! (Generic “your “ not referring to Norman99 or anyone in particular:)). 
It could be so cool!! Fingers crossed, wallet closed. 
You're expecting too much, too soon. VR is still in it's infancy. Headsets are getting better, but unless you spend thousands on the latest and greatest, it's just not going to be perfect. Has nothing to do with ED or multi-core, VR is just not there yet. I run a 6900XT Red Devil and it's smooth, and looks great, but not 1440p monitor great. The tech just isn't there, yet. Flying in VR is the greatest thing ever. Even at lower quality. But to think everything will magically be amazing when DCS goes to Vulkan is just silly.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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3 hours ago, Dannyvandelft said:

You're expecting too much, too soon. VR is still in it's infancy. Headsets are getting better, but unless you spend thousands on the latest and greatest, it's just not going to be perfect. Has nothing to do with ED or multi-core, VR is just not there yet. I run a 6900XT Red Devil and it's smooth, and looks great, but not 1440p monitor great. The tech just isn't there, yet. Flying in VR is the greatest thing ever. Even at lower quality. But to think everything will magically be amazing when DCS goes to Vulkan is just silly.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

I fly DCS exclusively, but yes it is an ED thing. 

Ofcourse a game only running on 1 core, that also runs extremely complex simulations will run crap.

The fact that because of various reasons ww2 assets are far more demanding then modern assets meaning flying ww2 in VR with even a medium use of assets can become unplayable. Is an ED thing.


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i7 13700k @5.2ghz, GTX 3090, 64Gig ram 4800mhz DDR5, M2 drive.

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3 hours ago, Dannyvandelft said:

You're expecting too much, too soon. VR is still in it's infancy. Headsets are getting better, but unless you spend thousands on the latest and greatest, it's just not going to be perfect. Has nothing to do with ED or multi-core, VR is just not there yet. I run a 6900XT Red Devil and it's smooth, and looks great, but not 1440p monitor great. The tech just isn't there, yet. Flying in VR is the greatest thing ever. Even at lower quality. But to think everything will magically be amazing when DCS goes to Vulkan is just silly.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


Im sorry but you are wrong. The tech is definitely there. The G2 is a fairly decent mid range headset that has great visual clarity (in the sweet spot) and when setup correctly it works great. What isn't there yet is the performance in DCS World. That's it. 

Back on topic, manage your expectations people. The only module I'm actually expecting to drop this year is the Apache. I hope we see some more core improvements in DCS World, but again: I'm not holding my breath. I've been around the block a few times. 

Edited by Lurker
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Specs: Win10, i5-13600KF, 32GB DDR4 RAM 3200XMP, 1 TB M2 NVMe SSD, KFA2 RTX3090, VR G2 Headset, Warthog Throttle+Saitek Pedals+MSFFB2  Joystick. 

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Modules I'm pretty sure we'll see this year:

- AH-64D

- MB-339

- Mirage F1

- F4U1d Corsair

But as always with DCS, things may change, slip, etc.

If Heatblur's F-4E really comes this year, I'll be up in the clouds, but we'll see. South Atlantic seems likely soonish too. Blackshark 3 also seems likely. F-15E, we'll see, I feel like it'd be next year, but who knows, PR on that one is amping up.

Wishlist: F-4E Block 53 +, MiG-27K, Su-17M3 or M4, AH-1F or W circa 80s or early 90s, J35 Draken, Kfir C7, Mirage III/V

DCS-Dismounts Script

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On 1/29/2022 at 10:03 AM, Lace said:

Have we ever seen a year where DCS will receive such quantity and quality added to the lineup?  We can realistically expect the Apache, F-15E, F-4, South Atlantic, MB-339, maybe Kiowa, BS3, Bo-105, Corsair (maybe both F-4U and A-7?) MiG-23, new FLIR, dynamic WX, plus others I've probably overlooked.  There seems to be so much on the cards for the next 12 months.  The only downside is the sheer amount of study which will be required.  I think 2022 is going to be an amazing year for DCS, and I for one are hugely appreciative of the work going on.

Well, I don't know about the modules following the "maybe", but I mostly agree with you for the first five, with the possible exception of the F-15E.

I wanna be more than optimistic and take a step further, forecasting dates: the 339 is already in ED for evaluation since (IIRC) december, so they're only waiting to have a green light, it may drop in March (Italian Air Force's "birthday" is March 28th), and Wags already began showing South Atlantic in the last Viper video, I'd say it could drop in April, for the 40th anniversary of the conflict.

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Am 29.1.2022 um 10:03 schrieb Lace:

Have we ever seen a year where DCS will receive such quantity and quality added to the lineup?  ......  I think 2022 is going to be an amazing year for DCS, and I for one are hugely appreciative of the work going on.

For my part, I am also very grateful for the work done and achievements in DCS.

Don't get me wrong, I hate waiting and postponements. But it is how it is. ED would certainly like to have it different often.

I read here and there how bad the community is here. If I compare the quality of the Posts here in the forum with many other forums, then I have to say that we have a high level here, which I appreciate very much. Even when people disagree.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm also very satisfied if multicore and VR are the main topics this year.

Of course I remain impatient and always want more. After all, DCS is a matter of the heart.

System Specs: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, RX 6900 XT, 64GB RAM // Tobsen CM Kollektiv, VPC CM3 Throttle, VPC WarBRD Rudder Pedals, VPC T-50 CM2 + WarBRD Base  VR: HP Reverb G2

Helis: UH-1H / KA-50 3 / Mi-8 / Mi-24P / SA-342 / AH-64D  Jets: F-5E / F-14A/B / F/A-18C / MC-2000 / A-10C II / AV-8B / AJS 37 / MIG-21bis  / F-16C / F-15E / F-4E  WWII: Spitfire / WWII Assets Pack

Tech.: Combined Arms / NS430 / Supercarrier   Maps:  Nevada / Persian Gulf / Normandie / Syria / South Atlantic  Waiting for:  BO-105 / OH 58D / CH-47 Chinook / G.91R / Tornado IDS / A-7E Corsair II

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