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Is this really as complicated as it looks?


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I just purchased the A-10C. My only question is....Really?


Is this thing overcomplicated or what? I can't even make heads or tales of the tutorials. They're spotty and skip around too much so you really don't have any clue of what they are talking about....

So are you people that play this thing already A-10 pilots or what? I don't see myself taking the time to learn all of this.

So is there a way I can just give this thing to someone who has the time and desire to sit for hours and learn it? Will the serial number or whatever transfer to another computer?

If not, I'm just going to take it off the computer anyway.

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If you have the brainpower to actually follow along with what is going on in the tutorials you'll find that it's quite easy to learn what to do. Is this your first time in a flight sim? This is a dedicated community, there are people out there who DEDICATE themselves toward a hobby they like, its like car hobbyists or whatever they wish to call themselves except in our case it's for military aircraft. And since we can't just go out and purchase an A-10, our best bet is to use the same simulator that our government uses to train some pilots on this jet.


I don't know what you were expecting exactly when you bought this, please enlighten me.

This post is protected by a pilot who has a serious lack of negotiating skills, but is absolute hell in a dogfight. If you do not belong here, please leave.


You have now been properly negotiated with.


MiG-29S Instant Action Mission Fix

Come check out and add to my list of all landmarks in DCS World!

^that works now

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You're playing a simulator, after all. DCS is not necessarily what most would consider a game. It closely follows real life standards and specifications; you're learning it similarly as you would in a real A-10.


Fortunately, ED offers the Flaming Cliffs series and stand-alone modules which do not go into such details. I highly recommend you the Su-25 or A-10A module instead of the A-10C if all of what you've seen so far is too much effort. Alternatively you can go into Options -> Gameplay and set Game Presets, but I personally don't recommend doing so when given the option of picking up a Flaming Cliffs module.

Edited by Sephki
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It isn't over-complicated, you just need to spend the time to learn it, and then it comes to you. The operation need to be understood from the perspective of the HOTAS, so look at that in the manual. A lot of controls are layed out in such a way that they perform similar functions, ie. the same keys/switches will zoom all your weapons/cameras, the same will lock them, etc.


You don't need to be a pilot to learn this stuff. Pilots know/do a lot more - this stuff is merely systems operation ... not much different from learning how to type on your keyboard and what to double click or single click.


If you don't have the time required for this - I'd say 2-3 hours then yes, gift it to someone, but I think you will need to put in a support ticket.


If you want something simpler, then I would suggest the FC3 line. Far fewer keys/switches to operate, but very enjoyable.


One final note: Flight sims really require a HOTAS to come into their own, so if you're not prepared to invest into a fairly good stick or HOTAS, you might not enjoy things as much as others. This doesn't mean going for the most expensive thing out there, but it should be a consideration.


I just purchased the A-10C. My only question is....Really?


Is this thing overcomplicated or what? I can't even make heads or tales of the tutorials. They're spotty and skip around too much so you really don't have any clue of what they are talking about....

So are you people that play this thing already A-10 pilots or what? I don't see myself taking the time to learn all of this.

So is there a way I can just give this thing to someone who has the time and desire to sit for hours and learn it? Will the serial number or whatever transfer to another computer?

If not, I'm just going to take it off the computer anyway.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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Change the Settings to Game Mode:megalol: and it will be just like Game Box!:smartass::thumbup::music_whistling:

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] SMOKE'M:smoke: IF YA GOT'M!:gun_rifle:

H2o Cooler I7 9700k GA 390x MB Win 10 pro

Evga RTX 2070 8Gig DD5

32 Gig Corsair Vengence, 2T SSD.

TM.Warthog:joystick: :punk:, CV-1:matrix:,3x23" monitors, Tm MFD's, Saitek pro rudders wrapped up in 2 sheets of plywood:megalol:

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OK...I don't think that you guys are following me on this. I already have the P-51, I have the A-10A and I owned Flaming Cliffs at one time, and I gave it away for much the same reasons. I must have forgotten how much time you had to invest. I also fly Xplane, and FSX. And again......none of these are as ridiculously complicated as this plane. I have plenty of brain power. I just do not have the time or the desire to use it on this game. That's all. Nothing personal, no angst, I'm just not into it.

I'm not debating how others feel about it. I just want to know....can I give the serial number to someone who will enjoy the hours of learning involved in flying this A-10A sim?

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OP- if you're trying to use a normal flight stick and the keyboard with no profile, nor an understanding on the benefits of the profiles that are available... I don't question why it is that you're not taken by this sim.


This isn't for most people... this is a sim many of us love for the same reason we hate it. It's #$@^& detailed but oh my GOD is it ever ^%&*# detailed!



You ought to find a friend who has the A-10C with an actual Warthog HOTAS... I'm not trying to encourage you to buy a 500 dollar control setup- but as much as to see what's actually possible.


Much easier to learn what you can do, when you know what's available. Easier to figure that out when instead of the tutorial saying "Designate a SPI by clicking the left cntrl pgdn home A D G 4 delete and insert key simultaneously while angrily hurling your computer monitor through a window... or hit the TMS up long command on your Warthog HOTAS."


I get it man... but seriously- if you're not even sure you wanted it in the first place and just thought it would be "neat," then I'm not sure you were in the target demographic.

Edited by ENO


Type in anger and you will make the greatest post you will ever regret.


"Sweetest's" Military Aviation Art

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It's not that hard bro.



You can Create Fast Mission from the menu and select Start From airborne to get you flying right away.



Later create a fast mission where you Start From Runway. The plane will already be started and running and ready for takeoff.



Fly around some and forget about the manuals for a while . Just fly. Then as time permits learn what you want ie: How to start the plane. How to use weapons. Try landing etc.



There's tons of videos on Youtube.



That's my 2 cents. Hope you don't give up.

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy and I've had both.



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Eh. DCS: A-10C was my first simulator I ever played, bought it off steam during the 2011 winter sale thinking this will be neat to have a game for the A-10. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at the time. I have zero real life experience in a plane. I stuck it out and learned the tutorials and glad I did. It really isn't that complicated. It's more than possible to learn enough to kill stuff from just the in game tutorials. Take it one step at a time and try not to digest the whole thing at once.

Edited by kk0425
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Soo.. My first attempt at "flight sims" was Cliffs of Dover. Hardly had a clue as to what I needed to bind to fly.. Then it kept crashing, so I just uninstalled it. Was actually after playing Warthunder that I found I wanted Mooaarr!! :D


So I picked up the HOTAS Warthog & DCS A-10C. I grabbed a snack-bag full of peanut butter filled pretzels & watched the tutorials. It's really not that complicated once you understand the basics.


Anyways, to each his own. Since you have the P-51 (and assuming you enjoy it) maybe you can trade your A-10C key for a FW190 key once it's released..

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Yes...yes I did.


I'm not being mean, nor am I upset. I just don't have the time to try and learn to perform 6-8-10 key commands for every little function. I'm just not into that.

It's just not for me.


Seems like your mind is already made up... So what are you asking?


If you decide it's too complicated then it'll never be easy enough.


WotG Founder & A10C Lead

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I'm with Slap Chop, hang in there and try basics at first - just fly from A to B.

When that gets "boring" add something to it, like strafe a house (I'm sure there are bad guys inside).

Slowly add features and tricks.


DCS A-10C is very much like Falcon4, you can fly it for a year or two and still find things to learn so don't try to grab it all in one big bite - it will choke you.


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Honestly, people should really read about things before they purchase them. Would have saved you what you spent. I've done the same thing with software, can be a painful mistake. I've come to the point where I read at least 3 detailed reviews for every $10 the software costs.


It's not nearly as complicated as it seems at first. It's easy to get very overwhelmed with all of the verbiage but there just isn't a way around that. You don't have to learn every system and switch. It only took me 3-4 hours before I could start up the engines, taxi, take off, fire a maverick, and land (all done poorly and clumsily of course) but it's not THAT tough.

Edited by Night


Nvidia GTX Titan Pascal - i7 6700K - 960 Pro 512GB NVMe SSD - 32GB DDR4 Corsair - Corsair PSU - Saitek x52 Pro - Custom FreeTrack IR Setup - iControl for DCS

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So... it sounds like markwilliam's questions is whether he can transfer the serial to someone else. Is that possible? I think I remember something about being able to un-associate it from your account, then he should be able to give it to someone else.. Right?


Anyone know if there's a way to do that?




[EDIT] Oh my gosh I'm dumb, Sephki already answered that one (and included a handy link) hours ago.. never mind. [facepalm]. I'll show myself out. :P

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This is how I started out: map the HOTAS commands, read the quick start manual, played the first two training missions and went off to fly Georgia Spring Easy mission:


* Shoot the trucks with the gun

* For the second target use the rockets

* Drop a GBU on the bridge from 20.000 ft.

* Now the first tricky part: send your wingman to wp 4 and let him take out the SAMs, then kill the tanks with Mavs.

* Let JTAC guide you to your targets for the last group of enemy victims.


Every time I had to use a "new" weapon system, I paused the sim, read up on the topic in manual/quick start guide/forum and gave it a try. Regarding the JTAC at the end I watched videos on youtube.

Windows 10 64bit, Intel i9-9900@5Ghz, 32 Gig RAM, MSI RTX 3080 TI, 2 TB SSD, 43" 2160p@1440p monitor.

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Being honest, if you've already got P51 and you can do the start up and get flying in that, then the A10C isn't much harder to pick up.


If anything, while the P51D has fewer and less complicated systems to learn, it's actually harder to fly.


I have to admit the first time I was plopped in the cockpit of the A10C I found it daunting, but a lot of a equipment is common across lots of aircraft, and it's only really the MFCD's that seem complicated once you figure out where everything else is. They're not actually too bad once you do the tutorial on them.


Oh, and I've never flown a plane in real life either, so I came at P51D (and now this) as a total newbie.

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First of all the single most best advice anyone can give you is go into MP and join the respective TS server. It's not only way more fun, but the best learning expierence you can get. But on most servers you will be expected to have some very basic understanding of your aircraft, like start up, landing without pooping on the runway etc.


I can see where the OP feels the Hog can be overwhelming, especially with the controls. The setup of controls IS complicated if you don't have the TM HOTAS, but quite do able. It will cost some time and nerves, but if you invest that, the controls will make much more sense to you.


The first time I teached someone new in the A10, I gave him a profile and jumped right into weapons with him after start up/take off practice. Just the way I learned through tutorials. Now that I look back on that, this is maybe the wrong way to go about for some people.


Maybe it's better if you only bind the very essentials like trim, nosewheelsteering, flaps and speed brakes, and you will have a more fun time playing around with landing & take offs. Just learning to fly the plane and get comfortable with it and of course get you hooked on flying this thing. :3


After that you can move forward on the HOTAS controls, TGP, Navigation and basic weapon deliveries.

Edited by ApoNOOB
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The A10C isn't such a complex simulator.


I think you should just take it easy and just not learn everything at once.


One day at a time, you just fly the airplane and learn new things.


-Fly it without using all weapons/nav system, but basic VFR. you can start with running engines.

-Try the canon. Do a few targets with it.

-Test a few "dumb" bomb. Selecting them in the MFD and dropping them is only a 3-4 key stroke.




Slowly, you'll discover more.



And if you don't succeed, well, you can still start a givaway like this one and animate the commnity.


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They helped me a lot too, but I found that most of the learning occurred from watching YouTube videos.


I agree, the in-game ones get you rolling, but to really dig into the aircraft you need to read and watch more.


In fairness to the OP, the A-10C isnt for everyone, it does take a decent amount of time invested. That said, its the most rewarding sim I have ever learned (or is that still learning everyday :) )


OP, if you choose to take another swing at it, I recommend you pace yourself, start slow, learn the basics of flying the Hog, then work your way through the systems one at a time, dont try and bite off too much at once, it is alot to remember... tell me I could start this up without a cheat sheet when I first got it, I would have said you were nuts :)

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