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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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Everything posted by NineLine

  1. Well the joy of DCS is much of the content isn't 100% based on real life. We have Cold War server with many more bullets fired than the Cold War I remember. Modern Engagements that I don't remember happening, DCS is a sandbox, we are giving you the stuff to play in different parts of the world. And maybe the real-world activities between 2008-2010 are not your thing, I bet there are just as many that it is their thing, or can expand on it. I expect some cool campaigns and missions to be done as have been done with all our terrains. I do appreciate the feedback, but if it isn't your map and not something you are going to get no need to post here, not sure I understand the reasoning. If you have a wish for this map, post over in our wishlist thread, but don't fill this up with "I don't know what to do with this map" posts, please.
  2. Added this clarification. Thanks all.
  3. The map will be expanded in the future. This is the initial phase for Early Access. Thanks.
  4. Afghanistan Development Report The development of the DCS: Afghanistan Map is progressing on schedule with significant milestones achieved. We are committed to delivering a highly immersive and authentic representation of Afghanistan for virtual pilots to explore and engage in combat operations. Continued collaboration, testing, and refinement will ensure the map’s successful completion and release to our DCS community. Development Progress We have made substantial progress in recreating the diverse landscape of Afghanistan. This includes the rugged mountain ranges of the Hindu Kush, the vast deserts of the Dasht-e Kavir and Dasht-e Lut, and the fertile valleys and river basins. Efforts have been dedicated to accurately portraying the unique cultural and urban features of Afghanistan. This involves recreating cities like Kandahar and Herat, with special attention to landmarks, infrastructure, and architectural styles like the blue mosque of Herat. Aerial imagery has been utilised to enhance the realism and accuracy of the map. High-resolution satellite imagery is being integrated to provide authentic terrain textures and details. The diverse terrain and complex topography of Afghanistan has presented technical challenges due to the large mountainous ranges. Optimization efforts are ongoing to maintain performance without compromising on visual fidelity, particularly in densely populated urban areas and detailed terrain features. The map is designed to look equally as good from low to high altitude. Future Plans In the above screenshot, you can see the area of DCS: Afghanistan that will be available in Early Access. The airfields that will be available at launch include Kandahar, Herat, Bost, Camp Bastion, Chaghcharan, Dwyer, Farah, Maymana Zahiraddin Faryabi, Qala i Naw, Shindand, Tirinkot, and Zaranj. The focus will be on completing the detailing of terrain features, including rivers, roads, vegetation, rocks, small stones, ground clutter and geological formations to enhance immersion and realism. Extensive testing and optimization will be conducted to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with a wide range of hardware configurations. Please stay tuned for the pre-order coming soon! **Please note the whole of Afghanistan will be completed in phases.
  5. I have reported this, it is RAZBAM's asset but I have passed it along. Thanks!
  6. What method are you using to "lock: the mission?
  7. This or something similar was fixed back in August of last year, I am unable to reproduce this. So you both are still seeing this?
  8. Is this only when using Mist? Can someone upload a recent simple example where it happens? Thanks.
  9. Can you include a track or miz where the issue happens? Thanks.
  10. I wouldnt say only, some of that can be done within the Mission Editor as well. Thanks.
  11. Only the Harrier? DO you have a track even if its a quick example you set up yourself?
  12. If you would like to lend your hand to campaign and mission builders as a voice actor. Post info on what you bring to the table, accent, languages spoken, and anything else you think might be interesting. Thanks!
  13. Turns out this is an AI-only issue, the new wheel system is being added to the P-47 as we speak so this should be solved with that edition. Thanks
  14. I did a quick test and I do seem to see an issue with the P-47, as always any bug report a track is appreciated. Thanks. Also, note you may not always get good test results from an aircraft sitting on the tarmac as the DM shines in the air. Thanks.
  15. A track file should be easy for you to recreate, it can be telling if there is something else going on. thanks.
  16. So I was just testing this for making tracks for the devs. When I start up I see no other aircraft on the TAD. If I switch off the JTRS switch and back on, then I see airborne targets. I do not see my flight on the ground. I do see my flight once they take off. And when I land I still see everything in flight. As flights land, not my own, their marker stops tracking when that aircraft lands (is this correct?) As my flight lands, their marker stops tracking when they land (is this correct) Right now I see the bug with the JTRS switch needing to be switched off and on again to see flights in the air, but want to confirm the tracking of other flights and my own on the ground.
  17. To be fair, the A-10C was flying over the Caucasus for many years, I am not sure it has ever flown over there in real life, let alone during combat, right? So while we want to fill in the gaps in terrain and other aircraft we are not a cookie-cutter type of developer with our focus being on the simulation of the aircraft and its systems. Everything we do takes time I have not seen a module yet that someone could not have fun with in some manner or another. One day we will have Vietnam or Korea, or other Cold War/Combat Theaters but things do take time. The La-7 will be a blast, we have Luftwaffe aircraft to put up against it, if you put the I-16 in a good position against even the Bf 109 you can win, and finding that out is one of the cool things about DCS, no matter what the name of the terrain is you are over doing it.
  18. Always good to include a track. Best way to get input on what might be going on
  19. Guys, this thread is for discussion of things that were in the newsletter, there are other threads about things that were not that people were hoping were. Thanks.
  20. Does anyone have any tracks handy? Otherwise I will work on some tomorrow. Thanks. From Dev: "Datalink should work on the ground once it is turned on and timed into the network. Otherwise it is a bug indeed. Same for symbols being not visible on HMCS, but visible on TAD. I would appreciate tracks or at least missions with steps to reproduce." Thanks
  21. I know its hard, but I think as with all of HB's offerings, it will be worth the wait.
  22. Everyone at ED and HB is doing everything they can to make sure it's ready for all of you, which can take more time than planned. When we have a more solid idea of when it will come we will share for sure. I do not think it will be long now, although I know the wait is painful. We appreciate everyone's patience no matter how thin it's stretched right now. Thanks.
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