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** UPDATE: Ground Radar 2.0 & Multiplayer Flight Planning **


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Dear All,


The Viggen goodness continues! Thank you all for your support and encouraging words.

Every time we see a positive post about the Viggen or someone recommending it, it makes it all worthwhile.


Lets jump straight into two big new Viggen changes and features;







> Introducing Heatblur Ground Radar 2.0!


We’ve been working on a large overhaul and improvement pass of our ground radar technology!


Since the release of the AJS 37- much has changed in DCS World, in particular in the realm of ground rendering and map technology.

This has had unwanted effects on our ground radar - but beyond that, we also saw significant opportunities in improving the detail and performance of the sensor and correct some core deficiencies that have been around since release.


On a tangential note and au contraire to some rumours out there: our ground radar is a true, raycasted realistic implementation of the PS-37 radar.

We use asynchronous computing (multithreading) to achieve excellent performance and realistic levels of radar detail.

The level of complexity of this core in-house feature is very high- but we consider it a foundational feature in the Viggen and many of our aircraft moving forwards, including the F-14 - which includes some ground mapping functionality in the Pulse radar modes.


The initial results of our improvements are now close to complete, and we’re pleased with what we’ve been able to once again achieve. Not only for the Viggen, but for future modules and products. In the Viggen in particular, you will now be able to enjoy a much more detailed image and in general a much more useful one - especially as you’ll be able to identify key tactical or navigational elements with ease.

This now also includes buildings, runways, bridges and other objects that have until now been completely missing.



Our main goals with the Heatblur ground radar 2.0 were to:



  • Enhance detail and performance of the dedicated raycaster.

    Our new and improved raycaster model yields improved detail and accuracy of the radar image.

    The detail captured is now much finer and better accounts for terrain elements, ground types and other factors.


  • Make buildings, cities, objects, bridges and other terrain structures/features reflect the radar and be visible.

    You will now be able to see buildings, cities, towns and much more on the radar!

    Perhaps more importantly for a dedicated strike aircraft; you will be able to see bridges and other key tactical map features such as hangars.

    This can also be super useful for navigational fixes.


  • Make civilian traffic visible.

    Trains, static ships, parked aircraft etc. - will now be visible on the radar.

    Some of these objects are highly reflective owing to their large RCS and materials.




  • Sub-grid terrain type raycasting to accurately depict Runways and other smaller terrain features.

    We’ve enhanced our raycaster with subdivided grid based raycasting for areas that are not correctly interpolated due to their small relative size.

    You are now able to accurately detect runways and other small terrain features!

    Load up on those BK90s and get to work.


  • New terrain reflectance model and values for terrain types.

    We’ve overhauled our ground reflectance model and associated terrain type reflectance values. Different terrain types will now reflect radar energy more accurately:


  • New slope reflectivity model.

    The slope and angle of the terrain will now accurately impact the reflectivity strength of the radar energy.

    You will now be able to more easily tell the difference between steep and mild slopes through their respective radar return strengths.

    Radar energy now also more realistically falls off with distance and increase in incidence angles.


  • Enhance accuracy of the raycaster & interpolator, especially at long distance.

    We’ve improved our interpolator and corrected some core flaws which will now make the ground radar much more accurate and reliable, especially at long distances.

    You can now more easily plan out your approach using the ground mapping radar from altitude.






We’re looking forward to launching this new version of our ground mapping radar into the Viggen next month!


Feedback is welcome as always once you get a hands-on! :)




>Multiplayer Flightplan & Strike Planning


Another important new feature that we’ve just added in the latest patch(that has flown under the Radar somewhat) is the ability to load waypoints into your data cartridge more easily in Multiplayer by using the F10 map and user marks system.

This way you can quickly load waypoints into your flight computer, or even auto-generate a flightplan based on a single attack waypoint automatically.


Thanks a ton to Badjoe117 for making this video and explaining how it works!


Check it out below and let us know what you think.

This feature is now available in Open Beta.




For those of you who have missed it, here was the entire latest AJS37 Changelog. Note that some of these changes are not in the live build, and will be available on the next Open Beta patch.


DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • E on waypoint indicator should not show when aiming ie sidewinder lock.

  • TERNAV should not update when turned off

  • Updated RB-15 for AI definition. AI will now use the missiles properly.

  • Fix to Bk90 not being launchable in NAV-mode.

  • EP13 color inversion selectable by radar mode button (black-on-white/white-on-black).

  • Brightness and contrast control for EP13.

  • Corrected elevation boresight position for Mavericks.

  • Added encyclopedia entries for weapons.

  • New feature: cartridge from putting marks on F10 map (named B1-B9, M1-M9, BX1-BX9, R1-R9, MR1-MR9 = recon-target, or S1-S9) and selectable in kneepad. Also you can just have a marker named “ATTACK” and a quick attack flightplan will be generated.

  • EP13 altitude warning is reset if EP13 is not turned on.

  • The Boundary/GRÄNS lines are now visible again.

  • AB performance at height and speed tweaked.

  • The dumping of the sight for sidewinder carried on wingtips should now be relative to the plane and not the horizon.

  • Fixed AKAN dispersion and accuracy.

  • Fixed Sun Halo effect on canopy

  • Added glass scratches to canopy glass

  • Fixed oval-shaped afterburner flame issue

  • Slight cockpit optimization

  • Fixed afterburner flame clipping into exhaust can

  • Fixed RAT projecting through intake on left side of fuselage

  • Added Encyclopedia entries for weapons

  • Tweaked dispersion for MinGr55 shell for the AKAN m/55 gunpods.

  • Fixed pop-up point not switching to target waypoint on being passed.




Stay tuned for more awesome Viggen stuff coming up!



The Heatblur team





Edited by Cobra847

Nicholas Dackard


Founder & Lead Artist

Heatblur Simulations



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Is this somehow linked to the A/G radar tech that will come for the F18?

Or is "just" something created from scratch?


It's their own tech unrelated to ED's one.

Do, or do not, there is no try.


Sapphire Nitro+ Rx Vega 64, i7 4790K ... etc. etc.

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It could be unrelated with the F18 but the "primary" tech (raycasting and multithread) could be the same...


Well sure, they had to use ED's API to implement it, so yes, it is based on ED's DCS tech, but not related to their upcoming radar tech. Its completely possible and feasible that when ED will present their radar tech, the API will get a complete set of new features that will be possible to call and enable Heatblur to improve upon their own tech.

Do, or do not, there is no try.


Sapphire Nitro+ Rx Vega 64, i7 4790K ... etc. etc.

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Oh wow... bow.gif


Ryzen 9 5900X | 64GB G.Skill TridentZ 3600 | Asus ProArt RTX 4080 Super | ASUS ROG Strix X570-E GAMING | Samsung 990Pro 2TB + 960Pro 1TB NMVe | VR: Varjo Aero
Pro Flight Trainer Puma | VIRPIL MT-50CM2 grip on VPForce Rhino with Z-curve extension | Virpil CM3 throttle | Virpil CP2 + 3 | FSSB R3L | VPC Rotor TCS Plus base with SharKa-50 grip | Everything mounted on Monstertech MFC-1 | TPR rudder pedals

OpenXR | PD 1.0 | 100% render resolution | DCS graphics settings


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Main Viggen thread: "the Viggen receives zero love now, they are only focusing on the Tomcat!"


Heatblur: "hold my beer"




Ya those are just the people to ignorant to read.... Heatblur has said several times that they would be quietly working on

significant updates the the Viggen to bring her out of beta.


Cheers Heatblur, I’m looking forward to working with the updated radar! Those BK-90s will be much more fun to work with!

"For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

Leonardo Da Vinci



"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."

John F. Kennedy

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